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starbreaker posts (158 results)














by starbreaker in community feedback on oct 2, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

W00t! I just installed a simple reader that won't give me fits.

sudo apt install liferea


On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 2, 2023

quoting d-von:

I've been wondering lately how the shift to streaming has affected energy usage when compared to older tech like terrestrial or satellite? Any ideas?

I suspect that the use of streaming multimedia on ...

is this thing on?

by starbreaker in welcomes on oct 2, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1461 threadID=190> I'm currently running a gimmick on my site whereby any visitor can "deface" the pages by editing them and saving a copy. The original page remains unharmed, and I've taken all possible measures against actual ...

is this thing on?

by starbreaker in welcomes on sep 30, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1440 threadID=190> I liked your manifesto/rant/reply to some marketing bozo. I'm tired right now and not able to ponder things much, but I've bookmarked it to re-read in the morning when I'm more alert. It's highly relevant to ...


by starbreaker in general on sep 30, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

I had to look up "arrant," you wily wordsmith, ya.

I'm not sure where I had picked up that word, but I think it was some blog using it in the phrase "arrant nonsense". Either that, or perhaps I ...


by starbreaker in general on sep 30, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1455 threadID=204> I don't get a sense of community from looking at what is essentially a blank page. There's nothing there but some nice but rather prosaic artwork, two or three cryptic blurbs that might be actual user posts ...

TerminalStore - Gui programs go brrr

by starbreaker in software on sep 28, 2023

<quoting=dean postID=1422 threadID=206> Hello everyone!

I like to introduce TerminalStore! TerminalStore is a App store for cli programs only. This is the github repo. It is licenced under the GPL 3.0. Feel ...

Movies that would/could not be made today?

by starbreaker in tv, film, and video on sep 28, 2023

quoting NobodyFix:

Imagine if they had used a Theremin and other early synthesizers in the soundtrack instead.

I wouldn't mind seeing John Carpenter's Star Wars, but it's not like I don't have a copy of Dark Star.

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on sep 28, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

Social media has turned the Web into a spectator sport, like television. There's a small group of influencers who produce content, and the larger group who consume it.

I'm not convinced this is ...

Videogame ost

by starbreaker in video games on sep 20, 2023

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on sep 18, 2023

Got a few books going this weekend:

  • The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

  • Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff

  • The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay

  • The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers

I finished SOA last night. Ms. Miller clearly knows ...

link of the day submissions

by starbreaker in community feedback on sep 14, 2023

The BNR Metal Pages is one of the first websites I found when I first got internet access at college in 1996. It's almost 30 years old and still getting updates.


by starbreaker in general on sep 14, 2023

quoting orchids:

i'll....i'll get to work this weekend on finally getting the button to do this added to the site 😥

So, you didn't already have that in place? Luckily this place is sufficiently chill that I hadn't ...


by starbreaker in general on sep 14, 2023

<quoting=orchids postID=1393 threadID=204> https://cohost.org

anyone use this site? it's a social media platform that takes ideas from both twitter and tumblr, created by a few people who wanted to make a platform where people can more easily get paid ...

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on sep 9, 2023

I've been reading The Satan: How God's Executioner Became the Enemy by Ryan E. Stokes. It traces the evolution of the Judeo-Christian Satan figure and explores how God's prosecuting angel became his enemy and a scapegoat for the evils of the world.

official labor day weekend thread

by starbreaker in general on sep 5, 2023

quoting Cat_wheel:

Not a yank so I don't know what labour day is about. What does it celebrate? (Labour perhaps?) My country celebrates in May.

A lot of conservatives in the US (like conservative Democratic president ...

good websites with no (or very little) context

by starbreaker in general on aug 29, 2023


I've worked in a place like this.

Game Recommendations

by starbreaker in video games on aug 29, 2023

I'm gonna recommend Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon. It's got everything you need: big fucking robots with big fucking guns.

There isn't much in the way of narrative, what little there is comes as audio without a lot of cinematics, and the mission ...

what did you make today?

by starbreaker in food, drink, fitness on aug 22, 2023

quoting orchids:

today I made seared salmon, green beans from the big costco pack, and some rice

what'd you eat/make today?

This is a recipe for eggy dirty rice that I've put together through a bit of trial and error. ...

Movies that would/could not be made today?

by starbreaker in tv, film, and video on aug 22, 2023

I bet you could still make it in Japan. Maybe as a double-feature with Shotaro?


by starbreaker in software on aug 22, 2023

<quoting=codl postID=1289 threadID=117>ive been using vim for something like 15 years and it is a trap and a prison. i cant use any other editor seriously because my muscle memory keeps trying to do vim things. it's very frustrating. dont do vim, kids ...

Cooking hacks/Advice

by starbreaker in food, drink, fitness on aug 22, 2023

They might be heavy, but you'll have to pry my enameled cast iron pots and skillets from my cold, dead hands. I've never had to worry about anything sticking unless I had the heat up too high for too long.

is this thing on?

by starbreaker in welcomes on aug 22, 2023

quoting orchids:

hey starbreaker i recognize your name from other forums i think and also we're neighbors in the loop webring if you click next on the webring page

So we are. That's a pleasant surprise.

is this thing on?

by starbreaker in welcomes on aug 16, 2023

quoting NobodyFix:

Nice to see that people still listen to Judas Priest in 2023

Nice to know that Judas Priest is still around in 2023.








