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orchids posts (566 results)

















Do you think WSJ gets the irony?

by orchids in general on apr 13, 2023

news subscriptions are the boldest thing i've seen in the past year or so. every single news site has a paywall now and it's the only thing that gets me to click off an article.

they have to figure out a way to do native ads to get around people's adblockers ...

the last of us

by orchids in video games on apr 13, 2023

i wrote about my experience playing the last of us - i liked the game for the most part, but i wanted to talk about my early-game gripes and trouble getting into the game.

@butt also has a thread here to discuss the TV show

https://basementcommunity ...

Do we want a gimmick?

by orchids in general on apr 10, 2023

FWIW, i am having trouble prioritizing building the community over making the site better. there's a of things I either want to change about the UI or features i want to add (that are already supported by the API), but i think community-building might ...

Do we want a gimmick?

by orchids in general on apr 10, 2023

i definitely thought about this a lot when i was developing the site. i thought there would for sure be more of an interest if this forum was centered around a specific topic or theme. during my time researching other forums, i saw a bunch of really niche ...

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on apr 8, 2023

quoting Eternity:

I agree, but did you see that crap about only being able to sign-up with Google / Twitter / Github / Steam?

B-L-E-H! Count me out, yo.

yeah i feel like some people don't want to deal with authorization ...


by orchids in the yesterweb on apr 6, 2023

seeing as https://forum.yesterweb.org is shutting down, i wanted to create a place for yesterweb refugees to discuss meta-web and early-web topics.

feel free to say hi here 👋

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on apr 6, 2023

<quoting=OppositeKeith postID=796 threadID=24>one of the forum spaces I've been most active in recently is Knockout which is originally a refugee like camp for people who used Facepunch after it closed down. its gotten a life on its own now but the echoes ...

post tv series intros

by orchids in tv, film, and video on apr 5, 2023

i just finished skins season 1 again and love the opening because it's personalized to the character the episode focuses on:

and just started watching sopranos for the first time sooo

https://www.youtube.com ...

discord's majority shareholder is funding the CCP lol

by orchids in general on mar 30, 2023

i'm not one for conspiracy stories but i watched this video today that talks about Tencent, some company in China that helps fund the CCP and is apparently on a mission to get a large stake in a lot of US-based companies, including discord

https://youtu ...

Python Best Lanugage

by orchids in software on mar 27, 2023

quoting MachoDonkey:

Listen here, young whipper-snappers. Procedural PHP is fine for 99% of what you need to do.

agreed. last time i needed to write a quick email form, PHP did the job just fine

Python Best Lanugage

by orchids in software on mar 27, 2023

python is really good, but i can honestly say after building this entire backend in it, i'm really itching to learn either Go or Rust. having static types is just worlds better

that being said, the community support for python is so good. it felt like ...

Number alignment & thousands separators

by orchids in community feedback on mar 25, 2023

just added the commas - stayed tuned for a bigger update around the forum landing page refactor. i think we can just make the whole page look better overall


by orchids in technical feedback on mar 25, 2023

v0.15.0 - v0.17.0

okay it's been a while since one of these. i'm still working on the site, but finding a lot less time to do it, so releases have been a little infrequent, but i'm excited to talk about some of the stuff we released over the past month ...

Odd behaviour with mentions if I'm already viewing a mention or thread

by orchids in technical feedback on mar 25, 2023

this should be fixed now. the sporadic nature was because it would only happen if you were navigating between 2 threads with an equal number of posts

Employee claims she can't use Microsoft Windows for "Religious Reasons"

by orchids in general on mar 24, 2023

lol dam. she wanted linux too. respect

Odd behaviour with mentions if I'm already viewing a mention or thread

by orchids in technical feedback on mar 21, 2023

ugh yeah i had a PM report about this already and i was also unable to get it to happen to me at all. let me know if you figure out a reliable way to get it to happen. in the meantime, i'll try and add some code that forces a page rerender on URL change

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on mar 20, 2023

<quoting=daffy postID=727 threadID=24>Do you have any plans to add a markdown toolbar to the body? I could see that being useful for more casual users who don't know markdown. I've known some people who even using basic HTML like <b>hello</b> just blows ...

games i'll probably buy in 2023

by orchids in video games on mar 20, 2023

quoting daffy:

Hades 2 Hades is one of the greatest video games of all time, in my opinion. Looking forward to the sequel.

i gotta get on this. my friend keeps telling me to play it

silicon valley bank

by orchids in general on mar 20, 2023

quoting mydriasis:

I don't think he's alone in that -- I think a lot of companies got very lucky that the FDIC stepped in... And now, all eyes are on the banks. I wonder what will happen...

how come people think this ...

things you bought

by orchids in general on mar 17, 2023

oh sick! do you put them online @mydriasis?

silicon valley bank

by orchids in general on mar 16, 2023

at this point, discussion for this is a little late, but is anyone feeling the effects of them going down? since last friday, it seems like the FDIC is honoring 100% of funds in an account, rather than the 250k (without the need for tapping into taxpayer ...

Thread Following

by orchids in community feedback on mar 16, 2023

added to the never ending pile of tasks. in the meantime, maybe adding a bookmark for your threads bookmark page might help mitigate missing any new posts

by default, all threads you post in or create will get auto-bookmarked, but you can also ...

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on mar 16, 2023

<quoting=!! postID=659 threadID=3>When creating an account, my auto-generated password was rejected with the following message: Image

I guess it was repeating the same message for each not-allowed character, didn ...

Please create "Finance/Bussiness" section in the interest page

by orchids in community feedback on mar 15, 2023

i'd say throw whatever topic into "general" for now. i'd still like to keep the forum topics to a minimum if i can and expand when interest grows

share your website

by orchids in software on mar 14, 2023

quoting c1:

Wait, don't you run bearblog? Forgive me if I'm mistaken.

haha no not me, but herman did post one of my blogs on hackernews














