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NovaVeles posts (71 results)







Potatoes are the best food, debate me on this

by NovaVeles in food, drink, fitness on sep 30, 2024

quoting Khastle:

I doubt I'll find competition for this except rice or wheat.

Good luck growing Rice and wheat in your back yard by accident. That stuff takes time and effort unlike potatoes that once they are in the ...

How clean is your home?

by NovaVeles in general on jun 28, 2024

25 but slowly reducing downwards. Less is more. L.E.S.S Less Energy, Stuff and Stimulation. A good guide to life.

what did you make today?

by NovaVeles in food, drink, fitness on jun 28, 2024

A black rice karma curry. To pad it out I used coconut milk and a Old El Paso Fajita mix packet and it is amazing! 12 out of 10.

What are you currently reading?

by NovaVeles in the library on jun 28, 2024

I have recently been going through the book 'Filters against folly' by Hardin Garrett. Filters Against Folly: How To Survive Despite Economists, Ecologists, and the Merely Eloquent.

Hardin Garrett is known for his ideas of 'Tragedy of the commons' and ...

currently playing:

by NovaVeles in video games on mar 1, 2024

After being given a Switch a friend was bored of, I finally caved and got Mario Odyssey. Having played it for like 30 hours... yeah it is hard not to get sucked into that unbelievably polished charm of it all. Shame Nintendo is so terrible towards any ...

What is your everyday use browser?

by NovaVeles in software on jan 31, 2024

Abrowser. It is a de-mozilla version of Firefox for Trisquel GNU/Linux OS. It works for me but I doubt many people would find it as charming.

Cooking hacks/Advice

by NovaVeles in food, drink, fitness on oct 10, 2023

quoting NobodyFix:

The only reason I'm not using my cast iron currently is because my current apartment has a glass stovetop that I'm terrified of destroying.

That is completely fair. Some of them weigh a stack! You ...

Is it okay that I live in an attic?

by NovaVeles in welcomes on sep 15, 2023

An Attic is a basement in spirit. ;)

Employee claims she can't use Microsoft Windows for "Religious Reasons"

by NovaVeles in general on aug 31, 2023

<quoting=RevD postID=775 threadID=110>Just in my experience with the Amish (Michigan/Illinois/Ohio), the most technology I saw them use was a gas generator for power tools when building. The use of electronics was not allowed within their communities. ...

I'm gay

by NovaVeles in general on aug 31, 2023

quoting lvxferre:

Hi Gay, I'm Dad.

This is the only post that make me want a like button on here! :D Kill'em with kindness!

is this thing on?

by NovaVeles in welcomes on aug 31, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1271 threadID=190>An acquaintance told me that a guy calling himself "macguyvermectin" (hilarious handle, BTW) had linked to one of my blog posts, so I thought I'd have a look around. I code for a living, I write bad sf on my ...

Game Recommendations

by NovaVeles in video games on aug 31, 2023

<quoting=raptor postID=1328 threadID=61>recommending Bomb Rush Cyberfunk by team reptile!! its a skating/graffiti game (jetlike?) with a story that got me hooked, it released about a week ago, the soundtrack kicks ass, my favorite character is solace i ...

Video Games & Time

by NovaVeles in video games on aug 31, 2023

quoting Cat_wheel:

I second this, I love a story/adventure game with good music and storytelling. Makes for a great rainy afternoon.

It is usually either that or the complete opposite - pure focus on Mechanics.

That ...

Cooking hacks/Advice

by NovaVeles in food, drink, fitness on aug 31, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1295 threadID=69>They might be heavy, but you'll have to pry my enameled cast iron pots and skillets from my cold, dead hands. I've never had to worry about anything sticking unless I had the heat up too high for too long. ...

What are you currently reading?

by NovaVeles in the library on aug 31, 2023

quoting ClownCore:

Just finished "Blood Meridian" for the first time, am currently reading "Democracy: The God that Failed"

Looks like a fascinating read even if I don't think I would entirely agree with it.

You could ...

Creating a programming language

by NovaVeles in software on aug 31, 2023

The only advice I can give is, do what works for you. Trust your gut on this and just have fun working on it. It isn't likely to become a new standard but you never know. It could be like Linux "just a hobby project, nothing big". ;)

That said, if it ...

open request: contribute to the site logo

by NovaVeles in community feedback on aug 6, 2023

@Raptor... that isn't just a submission that is WAY above what I was expecting!

What are you currently reading?

by NovaVeles in the library on aug 5, 2023

<quoting=RevD postID=1250 threadID=59> Marshall I think was a bit too into himself with his 'medium is the message' and basically tried to turn everything into a multi-faceted/leveled structure when as Freud liked to say "Gentlemen, there are times when ...

What are you currently reading?

by NovaVeles in the library on jul 30, 2023

quoting RevD:

Today I started The Official Rules (kobo.com) by Paul Dickson. Below is the synopsis.

It is only 5,415 more rules than Jordan Petersons book. Must ...

games log

by NovaVeles in video games on jul 30, 2023

<quoting=Eternity postID=1233 threadID=184> Absolutely! I didn't even play Breath of the Wild and I'm like, damn, I'd potentially feel insulted if I had been a fan of that game and this is what they give me after ~6 years (covid-excuse included / understood ...


by NovaVeles in welcomes on jul 29, 2023

Nothing wrong with owls!

I too occasionally touch computer, I also do the doodle (see profile pic) - I am not good at it (again, see profile pic).

Welcome to this cool little hang out!

games log

by NovaVeles in video games on jul 29, 2023

<quoting=Eternity postID=1221 threadID=184>

  • Checked out the Destroy All Humans remakes. The first one was ok, it could be argued better than the original, but Destroy All Humans 2 should be experienced exclusively in it's original glory, so: emulation ...

Hey everyone!

by NovaVeles in welcomes on jul 29, 2023

quoting sisyphus:

I'm also really into philosophy

Says someones who's name is literally Sisyphus. Or are you the myth that is 'The Myth of Sisyphus' - as per Camus. :D

Welcome aboard the great ship 'Basement Community ...


by NovaVeles in welcomes on jul 20, 2023

Welcome to the base place! It can be a little quiet but as more people come along it will grow.

BTW, checked out your Deviant art via the link. KEEP THAT UP! I let my art skills lag when I hit my mid 20's and they never came back. Don't let that talent ...

next up on basement community...

by NovaVeles in community feedback on jul 20, 2023

quoting orchids:

e: i think it's only people who have 100s of posts. for example, my post page takes too long: /users/orchids/posts

So the business I work for used MYOB EXO/CRM, the back bone ...