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orchids posts (539 results)













cloudflare is offering a tool to block AI scrapers

by orchids in general on jul 7, 2024

and it's not using the robots.txt file.

Cloudflare is a tool, mostly used as a CDN for your website, but also has a lot of other cool shit like email forwarding, firewalls, IP blocking, etc, etc. They have a free tier (which is what basement community ...

88x31 basement community button

by orchids in community feedback on jul 7, 2024

we don't and the short answer why is because i'm lazy. i had thoughts of opening up a submission thread, but I feel icky about asking people to do essentially unpaid work for the site.

Create a button, along with some other graphics has been on the to ...

what are you watching?

by orchids in tv, film, and video on jun 24, 2024

quoting dean:

Im watching Spongebob (season 1) and im almost done with it!

a classic

<quoting=BigFreeze postID=2554 threadID=296> currently watching freaks and geeks and noir on a daily basis and blue eye samurai ...

Yo, im the 500th member!

by orchids in welcomes on jun 24, 2024

welcome @500 i got proof of this just for ya in case someone deleted their account:

500th member

hi friends!!

by orchids in welcomes on jun 24, 2024

welcome to the forum @vaettr i also love finding links on foreverliketh.is! it's how i found out about bearblog

glad you join and what are fibre arts?

currently playing:

by orchids in video games on jun 16, 2024

<quoting=whiteVHS postID=2605 threadID=16> that video was great, he has a lot of valid points. i think nintendo established an amazing battle system with z-targeting, but left something to be desired with the enemy designs. while the ultimate trial does ...

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by orchids in video games on jun 16, 2024

<quoting=Khastle postID=2573 threadID=159> Dude you gotta get yerself a Miyoo Mini Plus, slap OnionOS on one and you have yourself a pretty nifty emulation machine. Only plays up to the PS1 due to its gameboy controls but its seriously cool and pocket ...

plex server to replace streaming services?

by orchids in general on jun 16, 2024

<quoting=rina postID=2623 threadID=218> very late to reply but wouldn't hosting it on a VPS get you in potential legal troubles (worst case) or get you suspended (best case). many VPSes have some anti-piracy rules. so unless its an offshore DMCA-ignore ...


by orchids in technical feedback on jun 15, 2024

gimme dat!

welcome back to the changelog. it's been a few quiet months, mainly because the forum is pretty feature-complete at this point, so new updates are going to be fewer, but this one is still packed ...

share your (blog) post

by orchids in the library on jun 14, 2024

do you have many asian groceries in the balkans? we have a lot in the US and I exclusively buy things like salmon, pork butt, sirachia, chili ...

Possible API Abuse

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 14, 2024

email verification (for new users) coming tonight.

i hope you're happy @V. I could have had a perfectly good night last night playing doom eternal :shrug:


by orchids in welcomes on jun 14, 2024

hey rina I do see you around 32bit cafe! nice to have you join!

Count to 100.000

by orchids in general on jun 14, 2024


quoting BigFreeze:

50 (only half way there! or 0.05 if 100000) :happy:

good point im confused too. You want me to change the thread title to use a comma @dean?

Possible API Abuse

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

yeah it's a fair point and email verification has slowly been growing to be more and more of a priority as time has went on.

it's looking like that's gonna be the next thing I work on. We already have mechanisms for sending out emails and performing some ...

Possible API Abuse

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

<quoting=Khastle postID=2594 threadID=303> I'd highly advise an approval queue if you can implement one for new users, my site uses Xenforo which makes it easy so I can understand if that would be harder to put in but I highly respect you are doing all ...

Possible API Abuse

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

ok man i hear you but consider this: i am one person working a full time job and this is a hobby project

what would you suggest to mitigate that? a paywall? email verification? something else?

Possible API Abuse

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

i just deployed a new change requiring a user to have a least 1 post before creating a thread.

we've had some issues with bots in the past few months, so hopefully that change should mitigate some of that, but I'll keep this in mind and look for other ...

the thread about load times

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 11, 2024

from my testing, it seems like the load times increased by about half a second and i'm in California, also where the servers are located, so that's not great

the thread about load times

by orchids in technical feedback on jun 11, 2024

hello. i just posted this announcement

hi people. sorry for the unexpected downtime Monday night - I decided to downgrade the servers the site and API are running on to see if I can get away with using less resources. Please let me know in a PM if you ...

currently playing:

by orchids in video games on jun 11, 2024

<quoting=whiteVHS postID=2546 threadID=16> been playing this new ocarina of time romhack called ultimate trial. super fun! it's arguably the most impressive OoT romhack to date. with it's "rogue-lite" inspired ...

currently playing:

by orchids in video games on jun 11, 2024

<quoting=dean postID=2533 threadID=16> I bought this second-hand for 1.50€ image Hope it works with linux </quoting ...

Hello hello

by orchids in welcomes on jun 11, 2024

welcome to the forum @KSymph!!

I haven't yet gotten into modding, but I just dipped my toes into the hobby by buying a Analogue Pocket, which turned out to be not such a great purchase. I almost feel like the money would have been better spent on a modded ...

Hello fellas

by orchids in welcomes on jun 11, 2024

hey @khastle welcome to the site! jyst checked out your forum i like the vibe of the place - what got you wanting to run one?

running list of "small web" services

by orchids in general on jun 9, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2544 threadID=297> Oh boy do I have a few I can contribute as well.

  • https://farside.link/ - A collection of privacy-friendly redirects for mainstream websites, many have other services too so give them a look. </quoting ...

car shopping. leasing vs buying used?

by orchids in general on jun 9, 2024

<quoting=forks postID=2545 threadID=291> no because actually - when i was buying starbucks semi-regularly at my job, i watched my coffee and croissant go from $10.64 to $11.33 within the span of like 2 years. dreading the idea of having to buy a new radiator ...










