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NobodyFix posts (93 results)









Last Post Wins

by NobodyFix in general on jan 4, 2024

quoting dean:

Who is the looser now

Obviously not me :cat:

Last Post Wins

by NobodyFix in general on dec 28, 2023

quoting dean:

i am a winner


What are you currently reading?

by NobodyFix in the library on dec 21, 2023

quoting brown-owl:

I've only read LOTR once and I gotta say it didn't wow me. I'm glad a lot of people enjoy it, but for me it's a slow going book. I mostly remember the Hobbits talking about food.

Frodo has the ring ...

What are you currently reading?

by NobodyFix in the library on dec 20, 2023

I'm reading Lord of the Rings for the second time. I'd rather be reading something new to me, but my partner got me a really nice edition last year, and it got lost in the shuffle of several life events over the last year, and I finally found it again ...

happy birthday basement community (we're giving away money)!!!!

by NobodyFix in general on dec 11, 2023

<quoting=d-von postID=1810 threadID=231> This is what got me interested in the whole small/personal web thing. I was sitting at my laptop one day and just thought, wait a minute, when did the web become such boring, samey gruel? So thanks for doing something ...

plex server to replace streaming services?

by NobodyFix in general on dec 7, 2023


I just remembered I have an old computer, I may be able to use. I'm not sure how old though, I'd estimate about 8. My dad sorta stuffed it into my car last time I visited, along with an unusable 3D printer.

At the very least I have a tower that ...

plex server to replace streaming services?

by NobodyFix in general on dec 5, 2023

<quoting=eris postID=1779 threadID=218> I run a media server and have done for about three years now. Doing it on someone else's computer just isn't cost effective at all. You can use pretty much any old hardware and run plex or jellyfin locally, and those ...

currently playing:

by NobodyFix in video games on dec 5, 2023

quoting Kayfabe:

I’ve been playing Doom and using every drawing app on my new 3Ds XD

At the same time!?

good websites with no (or very little) context

by NobodyFix in general on dec 1, 2023

I had hoped it would be a long horse and not a tall horse :(

Oh, hi!

by NobodyFix in welcomes on nov 27, 2023

Hello, and welcome

adam sandler movies (or I just watched Punch Drunk Love and holy shit)

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on nov 21, 2023

I did not have the best of DVD, but The Waterboy was probably my 3rd DVD purchase (or at least in the first 10). Yeah, I liked those early movies and grew up with him on SNL.

I can say I do remember liking Punch Drunk Love, even if I haven't seen it ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by NobodyFix in general on nov 16, 2023

FYI 1000 hours, is about 41 24-hour days. Assuming you play a game for only 4 hours per day, that's a little over 166 days. I think everyone one of us has played something longer than 166 days (especially if you were one of THOSE MMO players back in ...

New hunger games movie!

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on nov 13, 2023

I'm pretty indifferent, I was meh about the other ones, so I'll be sitting this one out

Cooking hacks/Advice

by NobodyFix in food, drink, fitness on nov 9, 2023

quoting orchids:

my favorite thing about cast iron is people online who genuinely think you're not supposed to clean them to preserve the "good oils"

Excuse me, but botulism is what makes everything taste better!

plex server to replace streaming services?

by NobodyFix in general on nov 9, 2023

I don't have Plex, but I too am curious, since I've been considering building a media server to host my massive collection of physical media.

talking about the fnaf movie !!

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on oct 30, 2023

How does it compare to Willy's Wonderland?

you're worthy

by NobodyFix in general on oct 16, 2023

You're good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you

Friday the 13th Thread

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on oct 16, 2023

I had forgotten that there was some animal harm in the first one, so that may be a trigger warning :(

Otherwise it's an alright movie.

F13 and F13 2 are definitely interesting if you have experience with slashers, because they're not really slashers ...

Friday the 13th Thread

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on oct 13, 2023

Happy Friday the 13th (in October) everyone! Which one are you going to watch tonight?

I finished my random times watch through last year with Jason X (The remake and Freddy vs. Jason Suck, fight me), so I'll be starting over with the original

Video Games & Time

by NobodyFix in video games on oct 10, 2023

quoting starbreaker:

No shit, and $DEITY help you if you also have children and actually give a shit about raising them to be healthy, independent adults.

I'm pretty sure that's why our parents would tell us to go ...

Video Games & Time

by NobodyFix in video games on oct 10, 2023

<quoting=Jafoob postID=1314 threadID=22> I also think as we age, it's not that all the video games are getting worse, we are just remembering a time when we were younger and therefore had way less stress and responsibility looming over us all the time ...


by NobodyFix in general on oct 5, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1556 threadID=204> Not sure they had a choice. Between the passage of laws like FOSTA and SESTA and the US government's persecution of the operators of backpage.com (one of them, James Larkin, recently killed himself), it's ...


by NobodyFix in general on oct 5, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1458 threadID=204> This is one reason I've made a point of doing everything I can to keep my marriage going strong. Online dating was tolerable enough when it meant meeting somebody in a forum, agreeing to email or IM outside ...