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tv, film, and video Friday the 13th Thread

joined jun 30, 2023


joined jun 30, 2023

Happy Friday the 13th (in October) everyone! Which one are you going to watch tonight?

I finished my random times watch through last year with Jason X (The remake and Freddy vs. Jason Suck, fight me), so I'll be starting over with the original

posted 10/13/2023, 1:06 pm

joined apr 12, 2023


based? based on what?

joined apr 12, 2023

i am going to be so real and honest i have not seen Friday the 13th </3 that is one in a long long list of movies that i would like to see. i prolly would've watched it yesterday too if i didn't immediately hit the hay after work.

posted 10/14/2023, 9:01 pm

joined jun 30, 2023


joined jun 30, 2023

I had forgotten that there was some animal harm in the first one, so that may be a trigger warning :(

Otherwise it's an alright movie.

F13 and F13 2 are definitely interesting if you have experience with slashers, because they're not really slashers, as the formula hadn't quite been sorted out and the sub-genre hadn't become ubiquitous yet. F13 3-8 are all great for what they are and pretty much consistent.

Jason goes to Hell is different, but it's great. Then Jason X is a silly movie where he's in space, but it's worth a watch.

posted 10/16/2023, 2:58 pm

tv, film, and video Friday the 13th Thread