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starbreaker posts (165 results)














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by starbreaker in the library on nov 20, 2023

<quoting=d-von postID=1669 threadID=147> For example, the other day, I came across a 'Star Wars is for children, Dune is for men' meme. It so amused me that, despite not having watched or read either since my teenage years, I wanted to immediately jump ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 19, 2023

Speaking of which, I've talked to quite a few of these clowns at my day job, and the ones closest to being [WASPs[](https://en](](https://en) ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 18, 2023

quoting d-von:

Apart from anything else, do the culprits not know how very, very boring and banal it is.

They want everything and everybody to be as boring and banal as they themselves are. That way they won't have ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 17, 2023

<quoting=d-von postID=1662 threadID=147> So the question is, how to cater to both? People have told me that HTML5 degrades well on older browsers, but I have had/seen some issues.

Maybe one solution could be to put classed divs inside the HTML5 tags? ...

New hunger games movie!

by starbreaker in tv, film, and video on nov 16, 2023

quoting dean:

There is a new hunger games movie, called The ballad of snakes and singing birds! Im super exited to see it!!

What do you guys think?

I was never impressed by The Hunger Games. Even if the author wasn ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 16, 2023

quoting Eternity:

man, i can't believe there's a got dang details element. Every search I did was like you want an accordion? Javascript. can't wait to implement this, thank you!

You're welcome. BTW, I've got a *little ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 15, 2023

<quoting=orchids postID=1655 threadID=147> php still being the most optimal choice here really is nuts. i feel like if this feature was implemented in HTML, people would reach for JS frameworks a lot less because re-usability of components is still a problem ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 15, 2023

quoting d-von:

See, muddled. Oh for a steady-state mind.

Though I might still double down on the JS mafia being responsible for there being no native way of doing this in HTML.

I'm OK with blaming the JS Mafia. They ...

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 15, 2023

quoting d-von:

Could be. Possibly also <link rel="import" > ?

That's how HTML imports were implemented, at least according to Google's documentation.

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by starbreaker in the library on nov 15, 2023

quoting d-von:

Wasn't this going to be a thing at some point? I remember conspiracy theories doing the rounds blaming the JS mafia for getting it depreciated.

You might be thinking of [HTML imports[](https://caniuse](](https://caniuse) ...

Video Games & Time

by starbreaker in video games on oct 10, 2023

quoting NobodyFix:

I'm pretty sure that's why our parents would tell us to go play outside.

My mother just wanted to watch her soap operas.

what are the "total_votes" and "rating" properties in the API?

by starbreaker in community feedback on oct 10, 2023

quoting orchids:

and tbh, it's pretty low priority. it's an idea i thought would have been neat when i originally wrote the backend, but kinda lost interest in it

Might be a good idea to take these features out if ...

Video Games & Time

by starbreaker in video games on oct 10, 2023

<quoting=NobodyFix postID=1588 threadID=22> I feel like most people only get 5 hours of free time at most outside of work as is after you remove the unpaid lunch, the commute time, and any time you spend just getting ready to go to work. Then once you ...

Video Games & Time

by starbreaker in video games on oct 8, 2023

quoting Eternity:

Came across this quality post that touches on the subject for anyone interested:

Video Games and Dangerous Beauty

by Extramundane

This ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 6, 2023

<quoting=neph postID=1562 threadID=197> This refers to the concept of treating the internet has an interesting hole to peek your head through, rather than a realm to live most of your life in. What a lot of people (in my age bracket especially) suffer ...

Movies that would/could not be made today?

by starbreaker in tv, film, and video on oct 6, 2023

quoting forks:

rocky horror picture show is a movie that i don't think would get made today tbh

A movie about how a cishet bourgeois white couple got turned out by a bunch of kinky queer folks from outer space? Definitely ...


by starbreaker in general on oct 5, 2023

quoting NobodyFix:

Craigslist of all places was another one I had fun with. Sadly it's dead as hell now that they banned everything.

Not sure they had a choice. Between the passage of laws like FOSTA and SESTA and ...


by starbreaker in general on oct 5, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

Some truly ignorant people even claim "spigot," a water faucet, is a slur against Hispanic people.

Better not use words like "niggardly" around them, either.

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 5, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1547 threadID=197> I know I'm ideologically indoctrinated. There's no way to not be. We are all products of our age. As Jung pointed out, as soon as you break one projection, another one immediately takes it place. It's automatic ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 4, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

So much for the "post-nut clarity" thesis, huh? LOL

I figured that was just bro science. More specifically, bro psychology or "bropsyche".

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1541 threadID=197> Just kidding ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 4, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

The difference between that somebody else and all of the other somebody elses is that you know how that somebody else thinks. So it's not as hard to figure out what the hell he was thinking.


On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 4, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1530 threadID=197> @starbreaker mentions Fahrenheit 451, but the corporate Web contains elements of 1984 as well, namely Orwell's concept of the "memory hole." That's when information disappears without a trace. In Orwell ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 4, 2023

<quoting=d-von postID=1529 threadID=197> I'd also say the problem is only exacerbated by the fact that so much of what counts as culture these days is cooked up in toto by marketers and corporations. Of course, the ultimate, eventual effect of streaming ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by starbreaker in general on oct 4, 2023

quoting Devastatia:

No, sir. I can write my own code faster than I can decipher somebody else's.

I think most developers can. Unfortunately, the programmer I was six months ago is also "somebody else".

<quoting=Devastatia ...








