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orchids posts (565 results)















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by orchids in community feedback on feb 17, 2023

good suggestion! it's on the list!

Feature Request: Users currently active count display

by orchids in community feedback on feb 17, 2023

added to the list!

quoting RevD:

This would also be a good mention of being able to like someone's post w/o having to comment. In this instance you would know how many people supported the recommendation.

i pretty strongly ...

what did you make today?

by orchids in food, drink, fitness on feb 17, 2023

<quoting=RevD postID=247 threadID=7>For this weekend looking at some salmon (been on a kick for fish lately). Below is the recipe I use. Best to use portioned out salmon for this since it will be seared.

1 Remove any skin from your salmon 2 Light brush ...

Portable Software

by orchids in software on feb 17, 2023

that's cool i never heard of something like this. in the past, i've typically used chocolatey to quickly install a bunch of apps on my computer (and others when i was doing IT work), but this looks like it solves the problem ...

currently playing:

by orchids in video games on feb 17, 2023

quoting pd:

bought a nintendo switch last month. i know, years late. played mario kart and now bought that zelda game everyone loved four years ago. still haven't touched it though. yet, really looking forward to it.


chat thread

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

p much

SA refugee zone

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

quoting bring_back_lf:

it is pretty weird to me that modern SA is essentially for people who want to see that one anime and/or buy beef jerky

modern SA is all about calling for the demotion of mods and getting way too ...

Last Post Wins

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

good morning

Feature Request: "Find posts from user" function in user profiles

by orchids in community feedback on feb 17, 2023

oh hell ya. this is the feature i use the most because it's important to see how dumb the person you're talking to is.

this is on the list to be completed after i finish building out some more of the moderation tools

Currently CSS not working

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 17, 2023

quoting Lowtax:

LMK if you need me to get Radium on this


Currently CSS not working

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 17, 2023

hopefully beefing up the server will fix this. what does the site look like for you?

About the Forum Application

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 17, 2023

oh and what compelled me to do it is mainly because i wanted to get more comfortable with python and server-side rendered react because i wanted to try remix.

that and i was just bored lol also maybe something i can point to in interviews and say this ...

The coffee owl logo fucks

by orchids in community feedback on feb 17, 2023

hell yeah https://phylodox.com did a great job!

what have you been listening to?

by orchids in music on feb 17, 2023

pierce the veil came out with a new album last week, so 16 year old me is stoked

I had to quit Rust

by orchids in video games on feb 17, 2023

i've never played the game but i lose my shit watching videogamedunkey play it:

i was on the floor laughing when i first saw this

tech interviewing is broken

by orchids in software on feb 17, 2023

quoting dukeceph:

i do a lot of interviewing in tech, and have asked some of the questions you justifiably complain about.

i will totally admit this post had a front-end bias in mind, and i get it doesn't really translate ...

SA refugee zone

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

quoting Lowtax:

Post ITT to be banned from beyond the grave

classic av

About the Forum Application

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 17, 2023

<quoting=everybodydancemeow postID=182 threadID=39>It's obviously not reskinned phpbb or diseased with 15MB of Javascript on every page, thankfully. What's it built on? What compelled you to make it? Databases? Caches? Could I run it myself? </quoting ...

the making of basementcommunity.com

by orchids in software on feb 17, 2023

<quoting=sam postID=135 threadID=5>Hey, it's a great project!

Any plans on having smile-emoji icon packs (from phpbb, probably)? I'm not sure what-s needed to support them for both editing and rendering, but they are like the style of an "old web" for ...

Last Post Wins

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

jacking in

chat thread

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

lowtax sure had an idea when he made it pay-to-post. i turned off registrations in the meantime 🤷‍♀️

chat thread

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

quoting aaaaaaa:

The difference is that in 1999 you weren't alive yet and I was the owner of several forums.

dam bro you got him good how many several days of sunlight did you see since that time?

Don't show banned usernames in comments/posts

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 17, 2023

great point! i went ahead and changed the name and am going to start on creating a denylist for usernames.

sorry about that. i was totally unprepared for this, but their IP is banned from access to the site, so hopefully that's the end of that

tech interviewing is broken

by orchids in software on feb 16, 2023

quoting IDIOT:

Oh no how dare they ask software engineers software engineering-related questions!

Imagine hiring a surgeon and he gets offended if you ask him where kidneys are

go away please 🙏

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 16, 2023

quoting dril:


View user requires auth, but not correctly applied, doxxing all user emails. :)

great point! i'll scrub the email from the response because i think ...












