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orchids posts (565 results)

















Robot9000 forum

by orchids in community feedback on feb 25, 2023

to the topic tho, i think message duplication is minor-ly annoying but happens. sometimes on other forums, i'll see someone post the same meme or ask the exact same question on literally the same page, but it's tough to expect people to read everything ...

Robot9000 forum

by orchids in community feedback on feb 25, 2023

feel free to post something in general for this topic, i'm not so sure if there would be enough topics for a whole forum


by orchids in technical feedback on feb 25, 2023

v0.10.0 - v0.14.2

wow a lot of updates have been released over the past couple weeks that i haven't wrote about and a lot has happened in that time. we got a new surge of users which was quite the wake-up call that i need to be more diligent about ...

user post counter

by orchids in community feedback on feb 23, 2023

this is planned! along with a page to view all of a users posts.

TUI-like theme

by orchids in community feedback on feb 23, 2023

i can't promise this won't break with another release. those gibberish classnames are generated on the build

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 23, 2023

quoting dril:

i think... credentials for the "dril" user are exposed on the api documentation..

lmfao change your password!

I drew some icons for the forums.

by orchids in community feedback on feb 23, 2023

added to the forums thanks again!

my goal is to eventually either commission someone for a bunch of funky thread icons (ones unique and not just re-using the forum ones), or source them from the community. But i don't feel great about asking posters because ...

house of the dragon discussion

by orchids in tv, film, and video on feb 23, 2023

we just to season 7 last night. it's so strange that there's so little main characters left.

python script one line at a time

by orchids in software on feb 23, 2023

print('oh fuck here we go')

Forum api status?

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 23, 2023


currently, you can only mark an individual post as read like so:

curl 'https://api.basementcommunity.com/posts/462/read' \ -X 'POST' \ -H 'authority: api.basementcommunity.com' \ -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \ ...

I drew some icons for the forums.

by orchids in community feedback on feb 22, 2023

these are great thanks! i'll go ahead and add them to the site once i get through this performance stuff i'm working through this week!

Recent Threads feed not working?

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 22, 2023

yes sorry about that the recent threads section is quite literally the 3 most recent threads that were created. i kept it that way since the most recent posts will appear on each subforum row (at least on desktop).

it's pretty trivial to change it though ...

is the site slow for you? post here!!!

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 21, 2023

okay so after some log monitoring and doing some reading, i've come up with a couple big problems and potential solutions to making the site speed better.

  1. a big issue bogging down the page load speeds for threads has to do with downloading images and ...

how do you delete an account?

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 21, 2023

unfortunately, there is no way to delete an account on the user's side, but send me a PM and we can potentially find a work-around for you.

what password manager do you use?

by orchids in software on feb 21, 2023

quoting RevD:

Before that it was a password protected Excel sheet........


what password manager do you use?

by orchids in software on feb 21, 2023

i use bitwarden too. i used to use lastpass, but after they went fully premium for the most basic features, i switched. and funnily enough they've been the platform with the most data breaches the past couple years, so good riddance to them.

work still ...

Forum api status?

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 20, 2023

lol i didn't realize that page looked like that on mobile. i'm using a documentation theme for that site, so it looks like you'll have to view it desktop sizes because there's a whole sidebar that's being hidden

Add a section for books

by orchids in community feedback on feb 18, 2023

done. check it out here

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on feb 18, 2023

quoting billllll:

How'd you find these places? Seems to me like finding anything other than the most popular websites is very hard these days.

i actually ended up exploring some webrings, found out about neocities and ...

SA Obscure Memories Thread

by orchids in general on feb 18, 2023

the most legendary banme post: keyboard goop

i was proud to have witnessed that live as it happened. is that even obscure?

is the site slow for you? post here!!!

by orchids in technical feedback on feb 18, 2023

anyone who's having performance issues with the site, please feel free to post here! i'd like to know a couple things including:

  1. where in the world are you located

  2. how long are the load times you're seeing (open the browser's network tab up with ...

tech interviewing is broken

by orchids in software on feb 18, 2023

quoting shi0Zo1u:

The people who made it through though were usually very smart (excepting myself...I think I just got lucky).

this was me in my last role. i got a job where i barely passed the technical interview, but ...

SA refugee zone

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

quoting bring_back_lf:

the least toxic one is probably bread and roses, but if you don't want to talk about anime or your extremely southern california "personal journey toward socialism" then it's kind of slow

i don ...

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on feb 17, 2023

<quoting=NovaVeles postID=288 threadID=24>Looks like dropping this on Hacker News did the trick. ;) I'm not saying there is a MASSIVE demand for forums return but there is definitely a sizable crowd that supports the idea and those that make it happen ...














