logo by user raptor



wall of shame

orchids posts (566 results)

















orchids has the biggest power trips lol

by orchids in general on aug 15, 2023

i'm sorry you feel this way. did you do anything fun this weekend? hang out with your buddy maybe?

Is it okay that I live in an attic?

by orchids in welcomes on aug 12, 2023

nope sorry

open request: contribute to the site logo

by orchids in community feedback on aug 5, 2023

quoting raptor:

hi hello i have a submission!!

this is now in the rotation!

orchids fitness log

by orchids in lists and logs on aug 2, 2023

august 2, 2023 - week 6 day 2/5:

Smith Machine Hack Squat @ 135lbs: 4x5, 1x12 (exceeded goal of 9) Bench Press @ 190lbs: 4x3, 1x5 (met goal of 5) Leg Curl @ 220lbs: 4x10, 1x12 Assisted Pullups @ 90lbs: 5x10

open request: contribute to the site logo

by orchids in community feedback on aug 1, 2023

this is awesomeeee @raptor thanks! you're really talented!

i'll get this added to the rotation sometime this week hopefully

orchids fitness log

by orchids in lists and logs on aug 1, 2023

<quoting=playitloud postID=1244 threadID=186>Neat! I'm on the second round (week 3) of the RIR template myself. They're fairly popular and well regarded programs, but I see a lot of people bounce off the hypertrophy one once the volume gets to them. < ...

orchids fitness log

by orchids in lists and logs on aug 1, 2023

july 29, 2023 - week 5, day 4/5:

Overhead Press @ 90lbs: 4x4, 1x6 (failed goal of 7) Paused Squat @ 165lbs: 4x6, 1x12 (exceeded goal of 11) BG Split Squats @ 15lbs: 4x8, 1x10 Lu Raises @ 10lbs: 5x10

july 30, 2023 - week 5, day ...

orchids fitness log

by orchids in lists and logs on jul 30, 2023

july 28, 2023 - week 5, day 3/5:

Deadlift @ 280lbs: 4x4, 1x8 Spoto Press @ 125lbs: 4x6, 1x13 Diagonal Pull Cable Rows @ 40lbs: 4x10, 1x15 Dumbbell Flys @ 30lbs: 4x10, 1x11

orchids fitness log

by orchids in lists and logs on jul 30, 2023

hello. ITT, i will be documenting my daily workouts. The fitness plan i'm running is the SBS Strength Program Reps to Failure, a 21-week program that focuses on full-body movements, with accessory work added on after the main lifts. I will be doing a ...

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on jul 30, 2023

okay turns out the system clock was wrong on the server. should be fixed now, all without any issues with the code thank god


by orchids in welcomes on jul 29, 2023

hey @codl welcome to the site!

definitely feel free to stay a while and share some art!

error on avatar upload is too easy to miss

by orchids in technical feedback on jul 29, 2023

agreed. multiple posters have found avatar uploading confusing, so you're definitely not alone there.

lemme think on it and maybe look around to see how other sites handle avatar uploading. i am by no means a designer, so that's why it's so bad 😭

Hey everyone!

by orchids in welcomes on jul 29, 2023

hey and welcome to the site! god bless you studying CS while still holding an IT job. I got C grades in every CS class I took and thought programming was too hard until I graduated and re-learned everything myself until it finally clicked, but hopefully ...

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on jul 29, 2023

<quoting=codl postID=1219 threadID=3>oh also something weird's going on with timestamps. that post i just made showed up 5 minutes into the future

![latest post display says "by codl, in 5 minutes"](https://f.codl.fr/2307/2023-07-29T01-21-59-peanut-53a8ssz9a5pp ...

monitor and headphones recommendations?

by orchids in general on jul 28, 2023

FWIW, i think a lower-end pair of headphones would be fine and most of the stipend could go to the monitor

how to use this sub-forum

by orchids in lists and logs on jul 28, 2023


lists and logs is a subforum for posting lists of things or logging your progress. think software logs or a list of video games you beat in 2023, or your favorite moment in life. these lists are meant to be personal, so create a thread for your ...

monitor and headphones recommendations?

by orchids in general on jul 27, 2023

so i got a new job and they're giving me $500 to spend on gear, so I've decided I want to get a vertical monitor and over-the-ear bluetooth headphones (not for work but just for going outside and for working out). The headphones could be on the lower end ...

next up on basement community...

by orchids in community feedback on jul 24, 2023

quoting vividpixel:

This seems like an appropriate use of basement.community; now forwarding to basementcommunity.bearblog.dev!


good websites with no (or very little) context

by orchids in general on jul 21, 2023

jfc i already have enough issues getting into the ocean at the beach i don't need this in my life


by orchids in welcomes on jul 20, 2023

welcome to the site! i have no idea what lethal league is but i do like watching youtube of roblox because that game is funny as hell to watch


good websites with no (or very little) context

by orchids in general on jul 20, 2023

these kinda threads are always so interesting on other forums, so we need to have one here too.

i'll start

https://meh.com (daily deals)




by orchids in community feedback on jul 20, 2023

ohhhhh that's interesting yeah I guess that 1 was causing some issues.

But yeah the more general answer to this issue is we're kinda at the mercy of the markdown converter I'm using and how they return the actual HTML is how it's being rendered on the ...

next up on basement community...

by orchids in community feedback on jul 20, 2023

<quoting=NovaVeles postID=1189 threadID=138>So the business I work for used MYOB EXO/CRM, the back bone of that thing is SQL. Routinely we have the entire organization grind to a stop because folks are running reports to figure out what individual sales ...


by orchids in community feedback on jul 20, 2023

i think they work fine? looks like the one you posted in the other thread wasn't actually animated?


by orchids in community feedback on jul 20, 2023

good morning














