wall of shame
joined feb 26, 2025
joined feb 26, 2025
I'm not a very smart man, nor do I know anything about movie production outside of audience perspective; but man does my brain suspend disbelief easier with physical props. I have watched a decent amount of movies mostly horror and sci-fi with this in mind, old Dr. Who, Cronenberg's works, the best and worst of john carpenter. Being a laymen though I'm struggling to use the right terms to find the it factor I'm looking for... the Terrifier movies had it. Idk I feel like an old man screaming from my porch that the world is moving to fast, but I just want something cozy like Alien.
posted 2/28/2025, 1:02 am
joined mar 12, 2024
the coolest penguin you'll ever meet on the web
joined mar 12, 2024
not horror or sci-fi, but Wes anderson is a good director if you want movies that feel more grounded from a filmmaking perspective (use a lot of production/camera tricks or practical effects instead of using cgi). Moonrise kingdom and Grand Budapest Hotel are my personal favorites, and really every movie in his catalog has this warmness to it.
posted 3/1/2025, 2:45 am
joined feb 26, 2025
joined feb 26, 2025
I love Wes Anderson, Grand Budapest Hotel is on my list for sure. I love the way he frames the background parallel with the screen, feels like I'm watching a screenplay.
posted 3/1/2025, 4:43 am
joined dec 4, 2022
joined dec 4, 2022
if you like films that feel like screenplay's, watch Marriage Story. It's written like a play, but it's a movie. I have a man crush on Adam Driver and he absolutely kills it. Ray Liotta also steals every scene he's in:
posted 3/1/2025, 8:17 pm
joined feb 26, 2025
joined feb 26, 2025
Thank you Orchids!
Those actors paired with that dialogue, makes me feel like when I found Arthur Millers plays. This is popping on tonight after G.B. Hotel, I will have updates on opinions for both by tomorrow. In the vein of both of these recommendations I'm compelled to ask if either of you have seen Asteroid City? It's a movie that's a play all by Wes Anderson, It's fantastic! Asteroid City:
posted 3/2/2025, 12:39 am
joined feb 26, 2025
joined feb 26, 2025
Man I checked out both Grand Budapest Hotel and Marriage Story. Both were fantastic!
G.B.H. handles the Nazi's in media in a fun way that accurately surmises their appearance in history, similar to how the sound of music handles it honestly. Very fun in the beginning light hearted, then a few people in uniforms crop up and you think its odd but there's middling focus paid to it. Eventually the symbolism is added to most characters and the climax is a event centered around them as they draw a bigger focus in the story. They really do come out of left field without noticing them at the start. All this to say I think it was masterful execution by a true visionary. I loved the set design the use of color from wardrobe to props captured so many feeling but especially Gustave's ability to handle even squalor and imprisonment with a false sense of sophistication that I loved.
Marriage Story had me weeping, I mean imagine having a wife. But I loved the elegance of the story, it stayed so grounded the whole time, it was very easy to empathize with any character. The way it flowed this felt truly like reading into someone's life, and the structure of the dialogue helped convey some subtle emotions I haven't experienced. This was a heart wrenching tale that shows how important communication is... they could've saved so much money, time, emotions had they just been vulnerable with the first mediator; and the inability to do so in fear of being hurt again set the tone perfectly.
These were fantastic recs, thank you both. I'd like to recommend another one that's a bit play like, very surreal. Beau Is Afraid:
posted 3/4/2025, 2:14 am
joined feb 25, 2025
joined feb 25, 2025
quoting Throven:
I'm not a very smart man, nor do I know anything about movie production outside of audience perspective; but man does my brain suspend disbelief easier with physical props. I have watched a decent amount of movies mostly horror and sci-fi with this in mind, old Dr. Who, Cronenberg's works, the best and worst of john carpenter. Being a laymen though I'm struggling to use the right terms to find the it factor I'm looking for... the Terrifier movies had it. Idk I feel like an old man screaming from my porch that the world is moving to fast, but I just want something cozy like Alien.
Have you seen Donnie Darko? If you do end up watching the movie, I recommend the director's cut!
posted 3/10/2025, 3:20 am