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software share your website

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

it occurred to me that some folks seem to be coming offsite from some other fringe forums that talk a lot about their neocities sites and website development in general, so i'm starting this thread a place for people to gush about their site and talk about why it's special

here's a small template that i stripped from yesterweb, but feel free to just post free-form as well

Website name: What’s your website about? How long have you been working on your website? What’s your newest webpage? What’s your favourite part of your website? If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be?

posted 1/30/2023, 9:51 pm

joined jan 27, 2023


Did You Get My Message?

joined jan 27, 2023

foreverliketh.is (WARNING: Mature Content, but it's isolated, clearly labeled and completely avoidable)

quoting partly_cloudy:

What’s your website about?

It's about me, I guess. It's primarily a digital garden. That means I start things and finish them when I feel like it. It's also about personal websites, and psychology, and philosophy, and education, and my struggles and interests.

quoting partly_cloudy:

How long have you been working on your website?

About 6, 7(?) months now.

quoting partly_cloudy:

What’s your newest webpage?

I explore A LOT of personal websites. Recently came across this guy (Christian Cleberg) and he had a page talking about Salary Transparency, and it inspired me to want to write one. Last night I finally got around to it, here it is.

quoting partly_cloudy:

What’s your favourite part of your website?

That's a tough one... But I'd probably go with Personal Web Pages. I just really L-O-V-E exploring other people's sites. Like, what do they care so much about that they'd go through all this hassle... Spend all this time and effort. What's their world like? What's their message?

quoting partly_cloudy:

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be?

Dear visitor, I do not know what it is you are looking for... But, in my time spent exploring the sites of others, sometimes finding the things I wasn't looking for proved just as valuable.

posted 1/31/2023, 6:08 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

cool! i really like your personal web pages page. i clicked on all of them, but i really liked the herman martinus blog - it seems like he hand-built his blogging platform, and i just spent a lot of time clicking around the different blogs on the platform on the discover page:


posted 2/1/2023, 7:17 pm

joined jan 27, 2023


Did You Get My Message?

joined jan 27, 2023

quoting partly_cloudy:

cool! i really like your personal web pages page. i clicked on all of them, but i really liked the herman martinus blog - it seems like he hand-built his blogging platform, and i just spent a lot of time clicking around the different blogs on the platform on the discover page:


It is really cool! I'd strongly recommend it to anybody who doesn't want to deal with the annoyances of styling, and code and hosting. I know some people care very strongly about all of those things, but if they are keeping you from sharing online, Bear Blog may be for you. Furthermore, I believe he has very sensible principles guiding its development. Unfortunately, it is Herman's platform, and he has a right to restrict and ban whatever he chooses, not just for his sake, but for the others using the platform as well. But if you know your content will play ball, it can't hurt to check it out, it's free to try. I think I'll add the discover page to the recommendations, thank you. And thank you for visiting. 🙏

posted 2/1/2023, 7:45 pm

joined feb 16, 2023


joined feb 16, 2023

What a cool site this is, congratulations! I'm posting here because you may find a site of mine amusing, too.

Website name: Vistaserv.net

What’s your website about?

It's a sort of parallel-future GeoCities clone! We tried hard to nail the aesthetic too, but rasterised fonts are really difficult in modern browsers (mainly because they (as far as I can tell) don't support bitmapped fonts as webfonts).

How long have you been working on your website?

Launched April 2020, but hasn't seen a huge amount of maintenance since then, haha.

What’s your newest webpage?

Lemme see, looks like https://members.vistaserv.net/hp100lx/index.html is our most recent member to create a page!

What’s your favourite part of your website?

I love poking around users' webpage creations – they're often super creative and a lot of users really "get" the late 90s aesthetic!

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be?

Definitely poke around the webring. You'll see a lot of "default template" sites unfortunately, but there are some real gems too.

posted 2/16/2023, 11:29 pm

joined feb 16, 2023


joined feb 16, 2023

quoting paul:

It's a sort of parallel-future GeoCities clone! We tried hard to nail the aesthetic too, but rasterised fonts are really difficult in modern browsers (mainly because they (as far as I can tell) don't support bitmapped fonts as webfonts).

These fonts are so rasterized they make my eyes hurt, but in a good way lol

posted 2/17/2023, 3:53 am

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

quoting paul:

What a cool site this is, congratulations! I'm posting here because you may find a site of mine amusing, too.

Website name: Vistaserv.net

What’s your website about?

It's a sort of parallel-future GeoCities clone! We tried hard to nail the aesthetic too, but rasterised fonts are really difficult in modern browsers (mainly because they (as far as I can tell) don't support bitmapped fonts as webfonts).

I love the cursor and I do love the font-rendering you achieved. I read through your post just now and it really is quite impressive.

Suggestion: replace "online" with "on-line".

edited 2/17/2023, 4:11 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

My site is Random Verbosity. Actually a blog but I'll move it into an actual site, Soon®, for better organisation. No specific theme or topic, besides "whatever I need to vent at the moment". There are liquor 101 and crack Linguistic theories and social/political rambling. It's roughly a year old. The newest page (actually blog entry) is about politics. I guess that my favourite part is the posts about language and Linguistics? It'd be also the part that I'd let people see, if I had to pick one.

edited 2/17/2023, 7:42 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


Ask your doctor about me. If they recommend me, they're a fucking quack.

joined feb 17, 2023

I liked your post about FFVI's SNES translation. Since I never learned much Japanese I had no idea about Kefka referring to himself as 'bokuchin' in the original.

posted 2/17/2023, 9:55 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

quoting macguyvermectin:

I liked your post about FFVI's SNES translation. Since I never learned much Japanese I had no idea about Kefka referring to himself as 'bokuchin' in the original.

Thanks! To be honest I don't speak much Japanese either, but I did some research for that post.

posted 2/18/2023, 1:37 am

joined feb 16, 2023


joined feb 16, 2023

Doesn't have a URL currently so I just slapped it on my email provider.

Ideas, Thoughts and Concepts

Website name: Ideas, thoughts and concepts.

It is a very vague reference to the autobiography of Carl Jung.

What’s your website about? It is a set of ideas that one should consider. These are single sentence concepts that while one should not "obey", it might be wise to consider. I use to have websites in the past that had huge word counts but almost nobody would read them. Eventually this morphed into one I ran called 'Wisdom of the Wild' all about how we should look to nature for inspiration in both concepts and technology ideas - it was also about just general concepts and ideas one could contemplate. Each post was under 1,000 words and only updated once a month.

One adage I have focused on however is 'Don't count the words, make the words count'. There is a similar concept in Buddhism “Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.” .

So the current sight it that taken to the extreme. It is currently 88 little thoughts that one can think over and contemplate. It makes the reader use the mind rather than be spoon feed the out come.

How long have you been working on your website? About 12 months, maybe?

What’s your newest webpage? It is only a single page. So the entire website. ;) But I do add new things as I come up with them.

What’s your favourite part of your website? The raw simplicity of it all. It is a single text file on my desktop that I occasionally drop a few line in using any old text editor.

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be? All of it. It is only one page and you can read it in its entirety in under 10 minutes. ;)

edited 2/19/2023, 5:59 pm

joined jan 27, 2023


Did You Get My Message?

joined jan 27, 2023

quoting NovaVeles:

Ideas, Thoughts and Concepts

What’s your website about? It is a set of ideas that one should consider. These are single sentence concepts that while one should not "obey", it might be wise to consider.

One adage I have focused on however is 'Don't count the words, make the words count'. There is a similar concept in Buddhism “Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.” .

So the current sight it that taken to the extreme. It is currently 88 little thoughts that one can think over and contemplate. It makes the reader use the mind rather than be spoon feed the out come.

What’s your newest webpage? It is only a single page. So the entire website. ;) But I do add new things as I come up with them.

What’s your favourite part of your website? The raw simplicity of it all. It is a single text file on my desktop that I occasionally drop a few line in using any old text editor.

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be? All of it. It is only one page and you can read it in its entirety in under 10 minutes. ;)

I like this a lot. Well done.

posted 2/19/2023, 7:29 pm

joined feb 17, 2023



joined feb 17, 2023

My site is Random Verbosity.

Clicked in there and stumbled upon this description of Zoomers, which actually made me laugh:

The generation whose sole purpose is to make sure that Millennials and Gen X exist in an idiot sandwich

I like that you are just dropping in individual thoughts. I've never felt like I could handle blogging, but that format I think I could do!

posted 2/20/2023, 12:58 am

joined feb 17, 2023


Put the money in the bag!

joined feb 17, 2023

Website name:

What’s your website about?

  • mi

How long have you been working on your website?

  • years forever help

What’s your newest webpage?

What’s your favourite part of your website?

  • I like the canvas stuff laying around. I think it makes it dynamic and fun.

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be?

  • Truly no idea. I just think it's neat.

posted 3/1/2023, 6:36 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

quoting mydriasis:

Website name: What’s your newest webpage?

nice work. i like the animations of the card flips

posted 3/11/2023, 9:58 am

joined feb 22, 2023


Do not induce vomiting if swallowed.

joined feb 22, 2023

quoting orchids:

cool! i really like your personal web pages page. i clicked on all of them, but i really liked the herman martinus blog - it seems like he hand-built his blogging platform, and i just spent a lot of time clicking around the different blogs on the platform on the discover page:


Wait, don't you run bearblog? Forgive me if I'm mistaken.

posted 3/14/2023, 2:47 am

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

quoting c1:

Wait, don't you run bearblog? Forgive me if I'm mistaken.

haha no not me, but herman did post one of my blogs on hackernews

posted 3/14/2023, 2:59 am

joined feb 22, 2023


Do not induce vomiting if swallowed.

joined feb 22, 2023

quoting orchids:

haha no not me, but herman did post one of my blogs on hackernews

Ah, I see; Sorry for the confusion/accusation :P

posted 3/14/2023, 3:13 am

joined jan 15, 2023


joined jan 15, 2023


Website name? Idelides

What’s your website about? Webcomics!

How long have you been working on your website? Since mid-February

What’s your newest webpage? Honorable Mentions

What’s your favourite part of your website? Either the homepage or the Webcomic Gallery. The latter was a lot of work to get right and I'm really proud of how it turned out!

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be? The Webcomic List, that's the main feature of it after all

posted 4/24/2023, 1:20 am

joined jan 15, 2023


joined jan 15, 2023

quoting NovaVeles:

Doesn't have a URL currently so I just slapped it on my email provider.

Ideas, Thoughts and Concepts

Website name: Ideas, thoughts and concepts.

It is a very vague reference to the autobiography of Carl Jung.

What’s your website about? It is a set of ideas that one should consider. These are single sentence concepts that while one should not "obey", it might be wise to consider. I use to have websites in the past that had huge word counts but almost nobody would read them. Eventually this morphed into one I ran called 'Wisdom of the Wild' all about how we should look to nature for inspiration in both concepts and technology ideas - it was also about just general concepts and ideas one could contemplate. Each post was under 1,000 words and only updated once a month.

One adage I have focused on however is 'Don't count the words, make the words count'. There is a similar concept in Buddhism “Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.” .

So the current sight it that taken to the extreme. It is currently 88 little thoughts that one can think over and contemplate. It makes the reader use the mind rather than be spoon feed the out come.

How long have you been working on your website? About 12 months, maybe?

What’s your newest webpage? It is only a single page. So the entire website. ;) But I do add new things as I come up with them.

What’s your favourite part of your website? The raw simplicity of it all. It is a single text file on my desktop that I occasionally drop a few line in using any old text editor.

If people could only view one part of your site, which part would it be? All of it. It is only one page and you can read it in its entirety in under 10 minutes. ;)

Clicking the link to your site gives me a warning from MacAfee antivirus, even though I don't think I have that installed...

posted 4/24/2023, 1:23 am


joined some time ago



joined some time ago

content has been deleted

edited 4/30/2023, 8:05 pm

joined feb 16, 2023


joined feb 16, 2023

quoting Jade:

Clicking the link to your site gives me a warning from MacAfee antivirus, even though I don't think I have that installed...

That is strange... I assume it might be the host which is just Fastmail email provider. I also don't think anything would be triggering it in the site as it is a single HTML file built in a text editor. I uses maybe a half dozen HTML functions. I could even run on a browser on Windows 3!

posted 4/28/2023, 9:41 am

joined apr 16, 2023


pronouns in bio, what will they learn?

joined apr 16, 2023

sashahenriksen.com my page is mainly just about me, links to things i find interesting, tracking of books i read and movies i watch, cataloging my collections and just generally being a webspace i own and control and i cherish it quite a lot and think i did a good job making it look nice.

posted 5/2/2023, 6:58 am

joined feb 16, 2023


joined feb 16, 2023

quoting FemmeHerobrine:

sashahenriksen.com my page is mainly just about me, links to things i find interesting

YES!!! This is the internet we need more of! And I have just discovered the 512K Club through this, very nice!

posted 5/2/2023, 9:17 am


joined some time ago



joined some time ago

content has been deleted

posted 5/2/2023, 7:30 pm

software share your website