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lists and logs orchids fitness log

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

hello. ITT, i will be documenting my daily workouts. The fitness plan i'm running is the SBS Strength Program Reps to Failure, a 21-week program that focuses on full-body movements, with accessory work added on after the main lifts. I will be doing a 5-day split with rest days when i feel like it. I'm 6 weeks in and so far, i really recommend it:


apart from that, I'm aiming to do a 60-minute walk per day.

edited 4/6/2024, 5:24 am

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

july 28, 2023 - week 5, day 3/5:

Deadlift @ 280lbs: 4x4, 1x8 Spoto Press @ 125lbs: 4x6, 1x13 Diagonal Pull Cable Rows @ 40lbs: 4x10, 1x15 Dumbbell Flys @ 30lbs: 4x10, 1x11

edited 8/1/2023, 4:29 pm

joined jul 4, 2023


joined jul 4, 2023

Neat! I'm on the second round (week 3) of the RIR template myself. They're fairly popular and well regarded programs, but I see a lot of people bounce off the hypertrophy one once the volume gets to them.

posted 8/1/2023, 2:26 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

july 29, 2023 - week 5, day 4/5:

Overhead Press @ 90lbs: 4x4, 1x6 (failed goal of 7) Paused Squat @ 165lbs: 4x6, 1x12 (exceeded goal of 11) BG Split Squats @ 15lbs: 4x8, 1x10 Lu Raises @ 10lbs: 5x10

july 30, 2023 - week 5, day 5/5:

DB Incline Press @ 50lbs: 4x6, 1x11 (met goal of 11) Good Morning @ 135lbs: 4x6, 1x11 (met goal of 11) Machine Pullups @ 90lbs: 4x10, 1x8 (failed goal of 10) DB Tricep Kickbacks @ 20lbs: 4x10, 1x8 (failed goal of 10)

august 1, 2023 - week 6 day 1/5:

Squat @ 260lbs: 4x3, 1x6 (exceeded goal of 5) DB Overhead Press @ 30lbs: 4x5, 1x8 (failed goal of 9) Hip Thrust @ 155lbs: 5x12 Lu Raises @ 10lbs: 5x10

edited 8/1/2023, 4:38 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

quoting playitloud:

Neat! I'm on the second round (week 3) of the RIR template myself. They're fairly popular and well regarded programs, but I see a lot of people bounce off the hypertrophy one once the volume gets to them.

yeah it's definitely killing me, but i'm trusting the process still. I think on my second go-around, i'll play with the rep targets because getting double digit reps for things like squat and deadlift seem almost impossible for some of these later weeks. even I can do the weight, i'm so exhausted by the 8th rep for some of these movements.

i recently had to swap out romainian deadlifts for good mornings because i couldn't grip the dumbbell for 12 reps, my hands just got too sweaty.

edited 8/1/2023, 4:31 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

august 2, 2023 - week 6 day 2/5:

Smith Machine Hack Squat @ 135lbs: 4x5, 1x12 (exceeded goal of 9) Bench Press @ 190lbs: 4x3, 1x5 (met goal of 5) Leg Curl @ 220lbs: 4x10, 1x12 Assisted Pullups @ 90lbs: 5x10

posted 8/2/2023, 5:54 pm

lists and logs orchids fitness log