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unhealthymelon posts (17 results)

What're you Working on today? (Post your short/longterm projects thread)

by unhealthymelon in general on oct 13, 2024

quoting dean:

Why? Because I fell in love with this theme.

Oh damn that looks fresh as hell actually. I might spin up a mint VM and see what it looks like with this.

What're you Working on today? (Post your short/longterm projects thread)

by unhealthymelon in general on oct 13, 2024

Today I'm trying to redo a bunch of CSS, organise stuff for a move and do some meal prepping. Longer term I'm slowly accumulating used Vapes to harvest the batteries for a powerbank and am trying to regularly complete writing exercises to improve my writing ...

what email providers do you use/suggest?

by unhealthymelon in software on oct 10, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2854 threadID=82> @unhealthymelon not sure if you knew this before or learned that the hard way, but hand-rolling your own email server is probably the single hardest thing about web development. You just ...

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by unhealthymelon in video games on sep 27, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2826 threadID=159> lol well thanks for this lol now I'll never get one.

i completely forgot about those things being battery suckers. Shocked to hear about it breaking after a drop, I figured the older gameboys were rock solid ...

sup guys

by unhealthymelon in general on sep 24, 2024

Hiya! This place is growing pretty quickly now, how'd you find the basement? Up to anything interesting at the minute?

what did you make today?

by unhealthymelon in food, drink, fitness on sep 22, 2024

I've been meal prepping for the week for the last couple of hours, I made Butter chicken, Bolognese, and chilli.

I've never made butter chicken before and I'm super happy with how it turned out! I hope it keeps OK because its my lunch for the next 4 days ...

what email providers do you use/suggest?

by unhealthymelon in software on sep 21, 2024

Update: I ended up rolling then unrolling my own email server, set up is simple, but the bullshit is unending, stuff kept getting caught in spam filters no matter what I tried. I ended up going with mailbox.org, its a little expensive (2.50 euro a month ...

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by unhealthymelon in video games on sep 21, 2024

quoting orchids:

honestly, I think if I had a modded gameboy advance with a backlight, that would be the ultimate portable console. I loved the design of that handheld.

the SP was definitely a step backwards

I had ...

summer plans

by unhealthymelon in general on sep 17, 2024

quoting Bibr:

(Going sailing and doing an Ocean Passage was a big highlight!) @unhealthmelon mind to elaborate ?

Basically I joined up with a group and crewed a Yacht for a couple of weeks, we sailed around, those ...

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by unhealthymelon in video games on sep 15, 2024

I had an RG35XX for a while and really enjoyed playing through some GBA and GBC games on it, but the form factor kind of sucked, then I went to an android controller for my phone and that was great, OLED makes retro games look amazing, stopped using it ...

JavaScript-powered webrings

by unhealthymelon in general on sep 15, 2024

Maybe there is something obvious I am missing here but is there any reason that a webring page couldn't just be iframed in?

You would be losing control over styling on the frame contents, but nothing is needed other than regular HTML and somebody to maintain ...

what are you watching?

by unhealthymelon in tv, film, and video on sep 15, 2024

Started the Knick tonight, a period medical drama/ noir set in New York in 1900. Its really good so far, the acting and cinematography is well above most TV, though its not one for weak stomachs.

currently playing:

by unhealthymelon in video games on sep 14, 2024

Last night I started Dead of the Brain, a really cool PC98/PCE/Probably something else adventure game. Its pretty funny, tonally its kind of like Return of the Living Dead so far.

The pixel art is fantastic, and the soundtrack is pretty moody. The characters ...

summer plans

by unhealthymelon in general on sep 11, 2024

My Summer was OK, I did some really cool stuff (Going sailing and doing an Ocean Passage was a big highlight!) But most of the time I was just grinding away at work.

I went out hiking on Saturday and the weather was glorious, there were tons of dragonflies ...

what email providers do you use/suggest?

by unhealthymelon in software on sep 10, 2024

I would advise staying away from Tutanota, or Tuta, as they're called now. I have been a paying customer of theirs for 3 years now and the service is not very good, while I have never felt like they were deliberately providing poor service or anything ...

post your desktop background

by unhealthymelon in general on sep 10, 2024

![A tapestry from the film, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, the tapestry is rectangular, and composed of many individual squares with small holes dotted at each corner to suggest a woven textile texture, and is visually split in two diagonally, in ...

Hi Everyone!

by unhealthymelon in welcomes on sep 10, 2024

Hi all!

I just stumbled on this forum recently, while wandering around small websites looking for interesting things to read. I have to say I like what I see so far! I have pretty much got sick of most of the modern web and no longer engage with the ...