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starbreaker posts (165 results)
















by starbreaker in welcomes on feb 7, 2024

quoting Eternity:

Hello! I've come across your site b4, don't remember how.

I remember seeing Melvian recently on the Melonland forum.

RSS feeds

by starbreaker in software on feb 7, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2084 threadID=259> I've seen different people using different methods: bikobatanari has recently moved to a 'deliver in bulk, unpack in post' method in which the feed ...

shell scripts

by starbreaker in software on feb 7, 2024

<quoting=Melvian postID=2076 threadID=257> This has become my new personal favorite way to write build scripts for my C-based software projects. This assumes zsh though. I'm not sure how well it works in bash (looks like it might?).

Basically, sources ...

shell scripts

by starbreaker in software on feb 5, 2024

I didn't mean to, but I ended up building a static site generator using a makefile and shell scripts.

hxtoc and hxincl are part of the HTML-XML-utils package.

#!/usr/bin/env bash INPUT=$1 ...

does anyone else dislike difficulty selection screens?

by starbreaker in video games on feb 5, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2057 threadID=256> i hate when games make you pick the difficulty, which is why game like Dark Souls rule. I think difficulty selection screens took something away from games because it makes you wonder if you're really playing ...

best fantasy movies you've watched

by starbreaker in tv, film, and video on jan 24, 2024

Highlander (1986) is fun if you want a somewhat grounded urban fantasy.

While your great-grandparents were out partying, Connor MacLeod studied the blade.

What is your everyday use browser?

by starbreaker in software on jan 12, 2024

quoting maxpixels:

Have used Chrome for the longest time, however I've thought about other browsers like Firefox to try out. Arc is also something I wanna check out once I get the chance on Windows.

Arc is just Chromium ...

What is your everyday use browser?

by starbreaker in software on jan 8, 2024

Mozilla Firefox since 2004.

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on jan 6, 2024

<quoting=d-von postID=1893 threadID=59> That sounds interesting. I might give it a go. Also, novel approaches can sometimes break through the 'literary' baggage of a work, maybe getting us a little closer to the liveliness of the original. Here I'm thinking ...

Last Post Wins

by starbreaker in general on jan 6, 2024

Oh, so we're playing the game?

share your website

by starbreaker in software on jan 3, 2024

Every so often I get the urge to share sites like "motherfuckingwebsite.com" and its successors with coworkers, but I refrain because the language is NSFW.

So I created my own #manifesto #website called [This Is An Actual Website[](https://actualwebsite](](https://actualwebsite) ...

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on jan 3, 2024

quoting d-von:

Are you enjoying it? I've only ever read a prose translation.

I am. Wilson has a deft hand with the material and a lively wit. For example, her translation of the Odyssey begins with "Tell me about ...

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on jan 1, 2024

quoting tremonto:

You sure your wife doesn't secretly wish you dead?

If she wanted me dead, she's had twenty years' worth of chances to make it happen. She's at least as smart as I am, and has consumed enough true crime ...

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on dec 31, 2023

I'm currently reading Emily Wilson's translation of Homer's Iliad. Also, there's a British author named Emily H. Wilson who recently dropped a historical fantasy called Inanna. My wife gave me both since we had recently read Madeline Miller's *Circe ...

Home Exercise

by starbreaker in general on dec 20, 2023

I've got a heavy bag and a set of gloves in my basement for cardio/HIIT. Three minutes of dancing around the bag and punching it, and a minute to rest.

I've also got a barbell and a set of plates for lifting, mostly deadlifts, power cleans, and clean ...

im guessing ya like jazz?

by starbreaker in music on nov 29, 2023

<quoting=OppositeKeith postID=1731 threadID=225> man i really need to listen to sun ra. i have a habit for listening to stuff outside of the more famous acts and albums that people are aware of first. dont know how i would tell people that i never listen ...

im guessing ya like jazz?

by starbreaker in music on nov 28, 2023

quoting d-von:

I'm debating whether or not to take out a mortgage and buy his album cover book.

Since I live in a country with a weak currency, $75 is a lot of money.

I live in the US, my day job pays six figures ...

share your website

by starbreaker in software on nov 28, 2023

<quoting=construct0 postID=1708 threadID=23> Hi all

I'm a software engineer from Belgium. Just started a non-profit software development community.

Hope you people could take a peek at some of my content: https://blog.benjaminvr.net https://construct0 ...

The mental health thread (depression, medication, etc.)

by starbreaker in food, drink, fitness on nov 28, 2023

I'll level with you: there are a lot of days where I'd rather not be alive, but dying is too much of a hassle. I wasn't diagnosed as autistic until I was on my early forties, so I spent most of my life wondering what the fuck was wrong with my head.

Turns ...

im guessing ya like jazz?

by starbreaker in music on nov 28, 2023

I keep trying to get into Sun Ra because his work defines "far out". He was doing Afrofuturist music decades before Parliament dropped Mothership Connection.

One of his sidemen has a YouTube channel:

https ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on nov 28, 2023

<quoting=orchids postID=1712 threadID=147> Now that the 1 year anniversary of the site is coming up, I think it might be cool to highlight some of the content being posted on this site, give members some signal boost, and perhaps do it as part of some ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on nov 22, 2023

quoting d-von:

No. There can be only one.

You mean people sometimes pay for stuff on the internet? Who knew?

I pay for shit on the internet all the time. But if I want to get nickeled and dimed I'll go to the doctor ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on nov 21, 2023

quoting d-von:

Now, be warned, while he has his fans (myself included), there are many who find Alejandro Jodorowsky insufferably pretentious.....

More pretentious than Yngwie Malmsteen?

Also, it looks like I can ...

currently playing:

by starbreaker in video games on nov 21, 2023

Just tried Tower of Fantasy on PS5. The UI is made of jank and the character creation screen didn't make sense, so I noped out. Gonna call it "Tower of Futanari" instead if I can ever be arsed to mock it (and ever again admit to having downloaded it ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on nov 20, 2023

quoting d-von:

If you haven't already, you should give Jodorowsky's Dune a watch sometime.


Alejandro Jodorowsky, best known for NOT making Dune. :)

I'm gonna have ...












