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starbreaker posts (157 results)














hi hey helllo ^_^

by starbreaker in welcomes on mar 8, 2024

quoting defferella!:

i dont have a site to promote yet T_T ive been working on one but im not great at code so its taking me a while since i have to look up every step.

Don't feel bad about having to look things up ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 7, 2024

quoting d-von:

By blocking the latter, I know I might lose out on some higher-grade tips on increasing virility, and being schooled on the true meaning of the Bhagavad Gita, but I'll live. :)

I'm not convinced that ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 5, 2024

I didn't think it was you, and I don't mind having links shared elsewhere. But HN leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 3, 2024

Here's a new post: Hacker News, Again.

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 3, 2024

quoting Eternity:

I know that pain. I'm slowly picking up the habit of writing on Obsidian and then copy-pasting, but I still require more discipline.

I'm still cultivating discipline myself.

If I cannot be my own ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 3, 2024

<quoting=Eternity postID=2240 threadID=147> EDIT: In reference to your preferred online spaces: I do find it a bit funny though how direct and "rough" your writing can be, but your favorite online spot seems to be MelonLand, with its "rainbows and unicorns ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 3, 2024

quoting Eternity:

Lessssgooo, I got my very own Starbreaker response post! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and then write that all out, yo. I loved reading it!

I'm glad you liked it. I just kinda started ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on mar 1, 2024

I have some things to say about this in a post called "Storming Heaven". I ...


by starbreaker in software on feb 27, 2024

quoting dean:

Well, I use discord for 2 reasons:

  1. My favorite servers are there.

Nothing wrong with your favorite chatrooms being on Discord; it's just not for me.

<quoting=dean postID=2212 threadID=268> 2. There ...


by starbreaker in software on feb 27, 2024

quoting dean:

What do you think of it?

I probably won't use it, but I'm glad it exists.

quoting dean:

You can check my website out here!

I liked this ...

share your (blog) post

by starbreaker in the library on feb 26, 2024

quoting Eternity:

I'm right behind you fam, but dam is the last third of my fugging blog post taking me a bit.

Well, it took me all fugging month to get around to writing mine.

It's the sort of procrastination that ...

How clean is your home?

by starbreaker in general on feb 24, 2024


What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on feb 22, 2024

Just started Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, aka The Gods Must Be Assholes, Part 2.

I swear, if Taika Waititi ever takes on Greek mythology, the first movie better be called ZEUS: Rape and Thunder.

ChatGTP planned my meals for a week and i cooked them

by starbreaker in general on feb 20, 2024

quoting orchids:

anyone here using AI like this? And if so, please tell me more because I figured AI would be a useful tool in this way but it's almost surreal seeing it being used like this.

I haven't been using LLMs ...

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on feb 8, 2024

A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes, aka "The Gods Must Be Assholes".

RSS feeds

by starbreaker in software on feb 7, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2090 threadID=259> Wish I had your confidence. Instead I'm hiding behind layers upon [layers[](https://the-syreth-clan.neocities.org/syreth/journal/2024-01](](https://the-syreth-clan.neocities.org/syreth/journal/2024-01) ...


by starbreaker in welcomes on feb 7, 2024

quoting Eternity:

Hello! I've come across your site b4, don't remember how.

I remember seeing Melvian recently on the Melonland forum.

RSS feeds

by starbreaker in software on feb 7, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2084 threadID=259> I've seen different people using different methods: bikobatanari has recently moved to a 'deliver in bulk, unpack in post' method in which the feed ...

shell scripts

by starbreaker in software on feb 7, 2024

<quoting=Melvian postID=2076 threadID=257> This has become my new personal favorite way to write build scripts for my C-based software projects. This assumes zsh though. I'm not sure how well it works in bash (looks like it might?).

Basically, sources ...

shell scripts

by starbreaker in software on feb 5, 2024

I didn't mean to, but I ended up building a static site generator using a makefile and shell scripts.

hxtoc and hxincl are part of the HTML-XML-utils package.

#!/usr/bin/env bash INPUT=$1 ...

does anyone else dislike difficulty selection screens?

by starbreaker in video games on feb 5, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2057 threadID=256> i hate when games make you pick the difficulty, which is why game like Dark Souls rule. I think difficulty selection screens took something away from games because it makes you wonder if you're really playing ...

best fantasy movies you've watched

by starbreaker in tv, film, and video on jan 24, 2024

Highlander (1986) is fun if you want a somewhat grounded urban fantasy.

While your great-grandparents were out partying, Connor MacLeod studied the blade.

What is your everyday use browser?

by starbreaker in software on jan 12, 2024

quoting maxpixels:

Have used Chrome for the longest time, however I've thought about other browsers like Firefox to try out. Arc is also something I wanna check out once I get the chance on Windows.

Arc is just Chromium ...

What is your everyday use browser?

by starbreaker in software on jan 8, 2024

Mozilla Firefox since 2004.











