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starbreaker posts (157 results)













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by starbreaker in the library on apr 4, 2024

A couple of posts this week.

  • Ideal Breakfast?: I doubt mine is anybody's ideal, but it works for me.

  • [Things to Do in April 2024[](https://starbreaker.org/blog/misc/things-to-do](](https://starbreaker.org/blog/misc/things-to-do) ...

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by starbreaker in the library on apr 1, 2024

<quoting=divsel postID=2364 threadID=147> But I suppose if you ask me what the moral of the pseudo-comic strip is, it would be that creating a culture of nitpicking, elitism, and and constant superiority tripping over idealogical things -- whether based ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 29, 2024

quoting divsel:

very good observation about person number 2. We definitely don't want to be like him.

Person number 2 seems to be what sociologists used to call [other-directed[](https://www.artofmanliness.com/character](](https://www.artofmanliness.com/character) ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 29, 2024

Sounds like you're trying to say that all three characters are assholes.

  1. The guy "on the left" is self-righteous and more concerned about ...

what have you been listening to?

by starbreaker in music on mar 29, 2024

<quoting=divsel postID=2352 threadID=43> I didn't always listen to music like this obviously. I got kind of bored with all types of rock music at some point though. Around the late 2010s, like very close to 2020, I started transitioning into vaporwave ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 29, 2024

quoting divsel:

I can relate to this a lot. I would explain how so but I don't necessarily want to reveal that much about myself at this juncture. But yeah.

Sounds like you've got a similar story, but it's yours to ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 28, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2346 threadID=147> Assorted Random Anime Ramblings (2023.03.27) In which I gather all anime I ever watched properly that I could think about and give a few ...

What is your everyday use browser?

by starbreaker in software on mar 28, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2298 threadID=241> dam i'm learning that brave browser isn't all it's cracked up to be:


i'll probably still use it though. although that article is a really interesting read ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 28, 2024

Added this for the March IndieWeb carnival.


<quoting> I think there’s more to accessibility than implementing WCAG AA or AAA guidelines, or complying with Section 508 ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 26, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=1172 threadID=147> i wrote about one of my fav musicians right now, Rosie Tucker:


literally have had her on repeat since being locked in the house. her music is nuts </quoting ...

Strikethrough support?

by starbreaker in community feedback on mar 21, 2024

quoting dean:

Nice! :salute:

~~deleted text~~ should translate to <del>deleted text</del>, shouldn't it?

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 19, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2308 threadID=147> the not wanting to doxx yourself is totally a valid argument for having separate sites (even though you said you're fine with people finding out your name), but I think for separating out content, I would definitely ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 18, 2024

quoting d-von:

Cool. Glad to see you're moving forward. @Eternity seems to have turned himself into the personal web avatar or something.

I think he's been a personal web advocate for as long as I've been acquainted ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 18, 2024

I just pushed a new version of my website to https://starbreaker.org. It was originally staged at https://new.starbreaker.org but that's now a temporary alias.

@Eternity had given me some advice by email back in January that I ended up taking.

https ...

shell scripts

by starbreaker in software on mar 16, 2024

<quoting=hasp postID=2296 threadID=257> I have a few scripts to make my life easier :P

  • i use this when i want to quickly search about something. (wikipedia for terminal)

#!/bin/sh query="$@" title=${query^} query=$(echo $query | tr ' ' '_') content ...

what have you been listening to?

by starbreaker in music on mar 16, 2024

Marcus Miller plays a mean bass.

shell scripts

by starbreaker in software on mar 15, 2024

quoting whiteVHS:

dude, that's incredible! truly utilizing these tools to their fullest extent.

Thanks. Yesterday I put together a script to create an XML sitemap for non-AI/non-commercial search engine crawlers. ...

whats the haps chaps

by starbreaker in welcomes on mar 15, 2024

So, BÖC, Samurai Champloo, Berserk, Deus Ex, Vagabond, and Mr. Robot? Nice.

what have you been listening to?

by starbreaker in music on mar 14, 2024

I just discovered Simulacra by Cloud People thanks to a review on Angry Metal Guy. It's spaced out jazz/synthwave fusion, mostly instrumental ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 13, 2024

quoting d-von:

And to your point, every teenager I knew was either apolitical or a bit left in a superficial Rage Against the Machine sorta way. The kids these days, I tell ya.

I was a bit left in a superficial Queensryche ...

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by starbreaker in the library on mar 12, 2024

quoting orchids:

i would make fun of these kids but i was just as angsty when I was in my teens :evil:

I was angsty too as a teen, but I had grown up doing duck 'n cover drills in the friggin' 1980s. And I never let ...

what have you been listening to?

by starbreaker in music on mar 8, 2024

Been banging my head to the new Judas Priest album, Invincible Shield.

currently playing:

by starbreaker in video games on mar 8, 2024

quoting punpunpun:

Elden Ring on playstation but it's so hard lol. my first dark souls game. i really want to finish it though

I still haven't finished this. And since you never played the original Dark Souls, here ...

currently playing:

by starbreaker in video games on mar 8, 2024

quoting joskua:

I'll finally play Nier Automata after this.

That was some good shit.

currently playing:

by starbreaker in video games on mar 8, 2024

<quoting=NovaVeles postID=2229 threadID=16> After being given a Switch a friend was bored of, I finally caved and got Mario Odyssey. Having played it for like 30 hours... yeah it is hard not to get sucked into that unbelievably polished charm of it all ...










