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starbreaker posts (158 results)













Potatoes are the best food, debate me on this

by starbreaker in food, drink, fitness on sep 13, 2024

quoting Khastle:

I doubt I'll find competition for this except rice or wheat which I'll have counter arguments for anyways.

How about oats?

cloudflare is offering a tool to block AI scrapers

by starbreaker in general on jul 8, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2658 threadID=310> Cloudflare is a tool, mostly used as a CDN for your website, but also has a lot of other cool shit like email forwarding, firewalls, IP blocking, etc, etc. They have a free tier (which is what basement community ...

currently playing:

by starbreaker in video games on may 23, 2024

Just got a copy of the remastered Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord for PS5. Still on the first level of the dungeon, but I've gotten my dudes to level 4.

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by starbreaker in the library on may 20, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2505 threadID=147> Not my post but something I saw on sizeof.cat.

I find this quite funny given Wani released this year. Someone in /freak/ is spinning ...

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by starbreaker in the library on may 14, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2501 threadID=147> I think that is what caused me to realize, like Nietzsche said, my belief in the christian god has become unbelievable. My muses — Martina and Erika — are entities I interact with on a daily basis. I know ...

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by starbreaker in the library on may 13, 2024

Spent Saturday night thinking about consciously choosing to believe, and how ridiculous it is that some people think that reading the Bible can lead somebody to faith when it led me away from it -- especially when Christianity is so frequently misused ...

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by starbreaker in the library on may 10, 2024

Here's another one for you. Kind of a downer since I'm griping about electoral politics in the USA.


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by starbreaker in the library on may 9, 2024

I had posted this a few days ago and forgot to share it. Been reading some old sf.

Heavy Time

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by starbreaker in the library on may 9, 2024

quoting Eternity:

Top-shelf post, but on a slightly unrelated note: I've always preferred referring to them as coats. And I feel that euphemism should be more popular!

As in raincoats? I've heard that one before, but ...

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by starbreaker in the library on may 8, 2024

Just a little bit about ad blockers. I use one for the same reason I wear condoms. It isn't safe to bareback strangers or their websites.

No Glove, No Love

currently playing:

by starbreaker in video games on may 6, 2024

quoting hasp:

started playing sunset riders 2 months ago and i still havent managed to get pass the 2nd boss, its fuckinf hard :(

Man, I remember that one.

What are you currently reading?

by starbreaker in the library on may 4, 2024

Been reading Heavy Time and Hellburner by C. J. Cherryh. Asteroid mining, dirty corporate shenanigans, murder, and cover-ups. They're part of her "Company Wars" sequence. If you've seen The Expanse, the depiction of Belters in that series owe a lot ...

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by starbreaker in the library on may 1, 2024

quoting the-syreth-clan:

Good old (old) Debian, up with its usual antics I see.

"${DISTRO}" gonna "${DISTRO}". Every one of them has their quirks. For example, if I want a current Emacs on Slackware I've got to compile ...

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by starbreaker in the library on apr 30, 2024

quoting orchids:

nice thanks for that. I knew about WSL but never messed around it enough to speak intelligently on it in a post like this, but I'll add that disclaimer.

No worries.

<quoting=orchids postID=2460 threadID ...

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by starbreaker in the library on apr 30, 2024

quoting orchids:

just wrote this guide on everything I personally do when spinning up a new server. Looking for some feedback on it to see if I missed anything important:

Just wanted to mention that while Windows has ...

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by starbreaker in the library on apr 25, 2024

quoting the-syreth-clan:

I would rather die a NEET than live a serf.

If I was a bachelor and didn't have expensive tastes I'd feel the same.

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by starbreaker in the library on apr 24, 2024

Dropped this a few days ago.


Work just hard enough to earn your pay. Don’t go above and beyond. Don’t work unpaid overtime. Don’t let your bosses bully you into commuting to an ...


by starbreaker in welcomes on apr 21, 2024

quoting AmylaseChan:

I have my own website, but it's very messy and incomplete.

Aren't personal websites supposed to be messy and incomplete? Welcome to the basement.

Add "writing" board to "creative" section

by starbreaker in community feedback on apr 9, 2024

Added an old story of mine. This reminds me of the section on bbs.stardestroyer.net where the late Stuart Slade posted his Salvation War novels.

The Milgram Battery

by starbreaker in creative writing on apr 9, 2024

Back in the real world…

What will it be this time? Morgan lost count of the scenarios the nightmare sequencer presented him long ago, along with his grip on time. He had been a prisoner of war, offered freedom and a new home if only he would ...

The Milgram Battery

by starbreaker in creative writing on apr 9, 2024

Meanwhile, in the real world… (reprise)

“Quadruple the current dosage.” Isaac Magnin delivered the order without raising his voice. The technician attending Morgan, who laid quiescent in the nightmare sequencer’s crèche, nodded, and Magnin grinned ...

The Milgram Battery

by starbreaker in creative writing on apr 9, 2024


Morgan found himself standing at attention, his right arm outstretched in salute. The gate creaked shut behind the SS officer, who glared through Morgan as if he were not there. Low-ranking stormtroopers flanked the officer; the blackened ...

The Milgram Battery

by starbreaker in creative writing on apr 9, 2024

Meanwhile, in the real world…

Karen Del Rio shook her head as the AI interpreting Morgan Cooper’s simulator-induced dream halted the scenario, allowing him to rest inside the nightmare sequencer. “The theory underpinning the Milgram Factor assumes ...

The Milgram Battery

by starbreaker in creative writing on apr 9, 2024


Morgan Cooper studied the experimenter, ignoring the hand he offered as a polite gesture. His muddy eyes were those of the technician who helped him into the simulation crèche and hooked him up. His leathery hands were those of the nurse ...










