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wall of shame

snek posts (6 results)

post your desktop background

by snek in general on aug 30, 2024

quoting orchids:

looks like catbox likes windows and threw your picture in the trash lol

huh? working fine for me. I know some ISPs hate the catbox though

post your desktop background

by snek in general on aug 29, 2024

Forced to use Windows but I don't give up Tux drinks Windows

Sup Fellas!

by snek in welcomes on jul 19, 2024

Hello and welcome!

PS Void Linux with Xfce is my home

what have you been listening to?

by snek in music on jun 27, 2024

I mostly stopped searching for new music like half a year now. Mostly listening to Godflesh and post-metal (Isis, Neurosis, Cult of Luna, Pelican). Today gave Sonancy and Heaven's End by Loop a new listen - still super enjoyable!

What are you currently reading?

by snek in the library on jun 27, 2024

Slowly reading 'Dracula' by Bram Stocker. Started a few months ago and still hasn't finish :happy: It's quite a good book actually, I'm just not very focused!


by snek in welcomes on jun 27, 2024

I found link to this forum among my bookmarks and decided to stop by to say hi. Don't recall how I found it though - probably found a link on someone's webpage. Smol things like this fascinate me so no surprise I found it! Apart from smolweb there's lots ...