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wall of shame

orchids posts (553 results)














hello everyone! :-)

by orchids in welcomes on apr 28, 2024

welcome @lobo glad you joined the site!

i like the ascii art on your homepage, it's extremely a vibe. your site and https://nightfall.city makes me want to add some here

messages location

by orchids in technical feedback on apr 27, 2024

i will say the other annoying thing about having a dropdown menu at all is that if you're someone browsing with javascript turned off, you won't be able to open that menu at all, which means there's no way to even get to these pages.

the tough thing for ...

games with good atmosphere

by orchids in video games on apr 27, 2024

@fork's gundam/plamo thread got me feeling really nostalgic for mega man legends, a game that I remember renting from blockbuster multiple weekends in a row and playing up until the first boss. I think I was too young to get any further ...

share your (blog) post

by orchids in the library on apr 27, 2024


starting a completely blind playthrough of ffvii !!

by orchids in video games on apr 26, 2024

quoting forks:

i also got the wind slash weapon which seems to be for a character that i do not have at the moment

she's an optional character that you could have gotten by now, but you can get in any forest. Next ...

messages location

by orchids in technical feedback on apr 21, 2024

the header organization has probably been my biggest enemy.

figuring out what gets prime real estate, plus what needs to get put in the dropdown on mobile screen sizes has been a total guessing game, so i'm all ears if anyone else feels strongly about ...

How clean is your home?

by orchids in general on apr 19, 2024

quoting Nostalgic-Dragon:

Very clean! I live with my mom and she does a lot of the cleaning!


Where do tabletop games go?

by orchids in community feedback on apr 6, 2024

added a new sub-forum called "analog games"


by orchids in video games on apr 5, 2024

I have sooooooo many hours in Battlefield 3 though. That game was my whole life back in high school


by orchids in video games on apr 5, 2024

battlefield 1 is legit. I think it's the last one I played that had really good game feel, but my main gripe was that it was lacking color. Every map was a dull shade of brown.

Then BF5 came out and it looked fucking beautiful, but for some reason wasn ...

share your (blog) post

by orchids in the library on apr 5, 2024

quoting joskua:

Me ranting about my YT algorithm roasting me (with good reason) In my blog.

after getting way too addicted to ...

Where do tabletop games go?

by orchids in community feedback on apr 5, 2024

good timing on this post. I think i'm gonna swap out some sub-forums this weekend!

Hey there

by orchids in welcomes on apr 3, 2024

welcome to the forum!

gundam/plamo general

by orchids in art and ish on apr 3, 2024

<quoting=forks postID=2372 threadID=228> this guy was sitting sealed in his box for a good few months before i finally got around to him but we did it !! here he is my darling boy ![assembled model kit of classic mega man! he's holding up one arm (his ...

Add "writing" board to "creative" section

by orchids in community feedback on apr 2, 2024

i think that's a fair suggestion. I've had a few thoughts about sunsetting maybe the "list and logs" forum.

my general thought is that if we're adding another sub-forum, I'd like to remove ones that don't seem to get as much activity, since my goal isn ...


by orchids in software on mar 29, 2024

quoting divsel:

Oh, so you're the developer of nekoweb? Really interesting opportunity to talk to you then.

i think @dean just runs that wiki site, but he's not the creator.

it's funny though I've been seeing that ...

Strikethrough support?

by orchids in community feedback on mar 23, 2024

it's worth mentioning i also considered adding table support while i'm at it, but it looks like i'm gonna need to spend a few hours tweaking markdown tables to be styled juuuuust right, so for now, they're still unsupported

Strikethrough support?

by orchids in community feedback on mar 23, 2024

quoting dean:

Is it possible to add the option to use a strikethrough to the site? (if its not already there though).

In markdown its like this: Hello world


Count to 100.000

by orchids in general on mar 22, 2024

jay leno meme

shell scripts

by orchids in software on mar 21, 2024

I decided this weekend that I wanted to take backups of the basement community database in a better way, so I found a tutorial online and tweaked it a bit to take a SQL dump of the database and upload it to another server via sftp

works really well and ...

open request: contribute to the site logo

by orchids in community feedback on mar 20, 2024

quoting BigFreeze:

will this do? (https://i.ibb.co/QQw7Hw3/nnnm-1-1-1.png)

dang looks it's losing quality when shrunken down. lemme try opening it up in Adobe Illustrator or something this weekend and see if I can ...

Strikethrough support?

by orchids in community feedback on mar 20, 2024

sure I don't see why not! looking at documentation for the markdown parser we're using, looks like adding support for this is relatively simple

What is your everyday use browser?

by orchids in software on mar 19, 2024

quoting dean:

Yeah, i've read those articles before.

I never really understood brave; Is it just a chromium fork with tor and a vpn?

there's also some built in privacy settings like blocking trackers, cookies, etc ...

share your (blog) post

by orchids in the library on mar 19, 2024

I also just read this post


Posts like this are so interesting to me and there really needs to be more of a spotlight on them. Over the past few companies I've worked at, it seems like ...











