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orchids posts (565 results)














chat thread

by orchids in general on feb 16, 2023

quoting 87central:

work gave us friday off? when we also have monday off for presidents day? i wish i would have made plans?

never too late. i've never had off for presidents day, and that's extremely bad

chat thread

by orchids in general on feb 16, 2023

quoting cumbucket:

Im going to eliminate my consciousness

sounds good basementcommunity poster, cumbucket. please report back with an update

post your desktop background

by orchids in general on feb 16, 2023

quoting dukeceph:

this soft little cabin:

extremely good

tech interviewing is broken

by orchids in software on feb 16, 2023

wrote about tech interviewing and how it's broken as hell:


ps5s available on amazon now

by orchids in general on feb 15, 2023

holy shit we've finally reached a time where they're for sale. at a normal price

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on feb 9, 2023

@thatbirdguy oooo yeah i did change a bit of the authentication logic in the past month or so. basically, we'll keep your authentication token valid for a week, but also issue you a new token if you come back to the site 24 hours after being issued one ...

what did you make today?

by orchids in food, drink, fitness on feb 4, 2023

glad to hear @eternity - yeah actually now that i think about it, we never serve it over rice and prefer to garnish with green onion! hopefully it was very tasty

did you get to try all the other entries?

on second thought, american psycho is kinda pretentious

by orchids in tv, film, and video on feb 4, 2023

i wrote about it here: https://basementcommunity.bearblog.dev/american-psycho-rewatch/

the movie is a fun watch, but god dam did the director make the film a bit pretentious

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on feb 2, 2023

quoting Eternity:

I like it here. A bit... too quiet. Quite the chicken and the egg problem, this is. You... have my sympathies. I don't think it'll be a problem for long, though.

Don't prove me wrong, yeah?

i'm working ...


by orchids in technical feedback on feb 2, 2023


more substantial updates this time! in an attempt to make the site easier to find new threads and posts, we've added some convenience features

  • added "latest posts" to homepage for each forum, which will link you off to the latest post in ...

spending a month visiting other forums

by orchids in general on feb 1, 2023

this month i spent some time joining different communities and see what compels people to post there. here are my thoughts:


share your website

by orchids in software on feb 1, 2023

cool! i really like your personal web pages page. i clicked on all of them, but i really liked the herman martinus blog - it seems like he hand-built his blogging platform, and i just spent a lot of time clicking around the different blogs on the platform ...

what did you make today?

by orchids in food, drink, fitness on jan 30, 2023

quoting Eternity:

I didn't cook today, but there's a chili contest coming up that I'm going to try to win. I will report back! If anyone has chili-making tips in the meantime, please post 'em.

oooooh! i actually have a ...

share your website

by orchids in software on jan 30, 2023

it occurred to me that some folks seem to be coming offsite from some other fringe forums that talk a lot about their neocities sites and website development in general, so i'm starting this thread a place for people to gush about their site and talk about ...

house of the dragon discussion

by orchids in tv, film, and video on jan 30, 2023

<quoting=Eternity postID=83 threadID=15>I've watched both. Loved Housed of the Dragon. Also loved SOME of Game of Thrones. I encourage you to check it out when you have the chance, but know that (in my opinion) when it's budget starts going up, the writing ...


by orchids in technical feedback on jan 30, 2023


a bunch of stuff happened since the last release. we've been launching some patch versions of things over the past few weeks - nothing crazy to report on, but we're going to batch a bunch of updates here in this post

  • fixed an issue where ...

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on jan 30, 2023

quoting dhalgren:

cool, thanks!

another one (sorry): this post has a sentence that's not displayed (reappears in the text box if i go into the edit menu)

dangit good ...

Video Games & Time

by orchids in video games on jan 29, 2023

celeste is another really good game in the short but amazing category

Video Games & Time

by orchids in video games on jan 29, 2023

<quoting=Eternity postID=79 threadID=22>This thread is meant to be about sharing your thoughts on video games and time, not my feelings. Feel free to address them, but I want to read about yours. Here are mine:

In my youth, I remember having so much time ...

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on jan 28, 2023

"edited at" bug should be fixed now

Videogame ost

by orchids in video games on jan 28, 2023

<quoting=dhalgren postID=72 threadID=14>disasterpiece's work for hyper light drifter is. so good!

the midnight wood the gauntlet 16 minute slowburn. but it is ...

Videogame ost

by orchids in video games on jan 28, 2023

quoting stonehead:

Oh man, there's so many. All time GOAT though is Stickerbrush Symphony from Donkey Kong Country II. No other soundtrack is close to me.

hell yeah brother ...

who's into psych horror

by orchids in tv, film, and video on jan 28, 2023

i think the only genuine psych horror films i love are the jordon peele movies (Get Out, Us). haven't seen Nope

but as far as general psych thrillers, that's probably my fav genre

I just watched [the shining[](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081505/?ref_](](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081505/?ref_) ...

report bugs here!!

by orchids in technical feedback on jan 27, 2023

<quoting=dhalgren postID=73 threadID=3>yay thanks! it doesn't stop lol. all my posts are edited.

btw, when creating a new thread i had to pick an icon and i was so clever in choosing the hand mixer for the horror movies thread but then it's never displayed ...

Videogame ost

by orchids in video games on jan 27, 2023

quoting Eternity:

A short, perhaps slightly odd, favorite of mine:

Fire Emblem Fates - Flowing Waters (Title Screen)

this is extremely the type of shit i play in the mornings at work








