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neph posts (12 results)

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on jan 2, 2024

So... it's been a while. Luckily, I haven't abandoned Hebrew! Quite the contrary: since October 14th of last year I began actually reading in Genesis. This Friday (the 5th of January) I'll have completed the whole book in Hebrew!!!

This is basically ...

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on oct 28, 2023

§16 — 27 October 2023

This section was wicked brutal. There's so many different "layers" you have to peel off of a wåw consecutive form of a verb to figure out how to "translate" it.

Here's what I mean: let's say you're reading some Torah and you ...

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on oct 23, 2023

§15 — 23 October 2023

Finally done with this one. I think it's going to be taking a lot longer to do these sections/exercises because the Torah/Haftarah reading schedule I'm doing is taking up a lot of time. I may just create a separate log for that ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by neph in general on oct 18, 2023

<quoting=stonehead postID=1581 threadID=197> I've said this mostly in the context of games before, but nothing is fun for 1,000 hours. Your favorite childhood mmo isn't fun anymore not just because the game changed, but because you've already done it for ...

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on oct 17, 2023

§14 — 17 October 2023

Just finished this section, which is about male pronominal suffixes. It was straightforward, but pretty tedious. Then next section is for the female and verb suffixes, so it should be more or less the same.

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on oct 14, 2023

14 October 2023

Just read Genesis 1 in Hebrew. I actually got most of it (there are a lot of repetitions) and luckily had the interlinear text for missing vocabulary.

One thing I never understood about the KJV translation is the odd phrasing "created ...

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on oct 12, 2023

§13 — 11 October 2023

I think I can finally say that I have satisfactorily internalized the contents of §13. I have a decent feel for the hif'il conjugations. Mostly it's being able to remember which pre/suffixes go where. The qal and pi'el pre/suffixes ...

neph's Biblical Hebrew progress

by neph in general on oct 8, 2023

Independent study. My textbook is Introduction to Hebrew by Moshe Greenberg (1965). Wicked dense but I've already been able to pick up a lot. Right now I'm almost done with section 13, which goes over the conjugation pattern of hif'il verbs. There's ...

i wrote about forums again

by neph in general on oct 6, 2023

Not to be a negative nancy: I'd say that the only benefit to Reddit is its sheer size. You're bound to find something useful there eventually (usually out of a search engine query) because of it. But, the quality of the site overall is extremely lackluster ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by neph in general on oct 6, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1564 threadID=197> This is why I think the shift away from dialup to always-on broadband connections was a mistake. Back when I was on dialup, if I wanted to get online it meant tying up my phone line and being unreachable ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by neph in general on oct 6, 2023

This is a good thread. I have always lamented the death of the Forum.

It's a fool's errand to try and mimic exactly what it was like "back in the good ol' days" or whatever. The culture was entirely different, people were entirely different, the approach ...

What are you currently reading?

by neph in the library on oct 6, 2023

<quoting=guites postID=465 threadID=59> that seems.. awesome.

I've been trying to teach myself french for about ~5 years, and haven't met a single person yet (french or otherwise) to conversate with. Feels antisocial, man.

![la grenouille triste](https ...