wall of shame
house of the dragon discussion
by Eternity in tv, film, and video on jan 29, 2023
I've watched both. Loved Housed of the Dragon. Also loved SOME of Game of Thrones. I encourage you to check it out when you have the chance, but know that (in my opinion) when it's budget starts going up, the writing starts going down. Untapped potential ...
who's into psych horror
by Eternity in tv, film, and video on jan 28, 2023
quoting partly_cloudy:
i think the only genuine psych horror films i love are the jordon peele movies (Get Out, Us). haven't seen Nope
Great movies. And loved Nope, recommend it when you have the chance.
Video Games & Time
by Eternity in video games on jan 28, 2023
This thread is meant to be about sharing your thoughts on video games and time, not my feelings. Feel free to address them, but I want to read about yours. Here are mine:
In my youth, I remember having so much time... Now I feel there's so little. While ...
Videogame ost
by Eternity in video games on jan 27, 2023
A short, perhaps slightly odd, favorite of mine:
Fire Emblem Fates - Flowing Waters (Title Screen)