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wall of shame

dean posts (98 results)









shell scripts

by dean in software on apr 5, 2024

quoting divsel:

that's pretty crazy. I would have picked python to do that any day.

Yeah, but its quite unique, and that makes it quite cool.

I doesn't work for some reason now tho, so I never really got the chance ...


by dean in software on apr 5, 2024

<quoting=divsel postID=2350 threadID=268> Oh, so you're the developer of nekoweb? Really interesting opportunity to talk to you then.

How did you get so many people interested in and talking about your web service? I wish I was nearly as good at that ...


by dean in video games on apr 5, 2024

I have Battlefield 1942, Vietnam and Battefield 3. I've started to collect Battlefield dvd's and such.

Recently I've started to play Battlefield 1942 a lot! Its quite fun to play, especially the online servers. I also have the expansion pack Secret weapons ...

Strikethrough support?

by dean in community feedback on mar 21, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

~~deleted text~~ should translate to <del>deleted text</del>, shouldn't it?

Yeah, that how it should parse to html from markdown.

Strikethrough support?

by dean in community feedback on mar 21, 2024

quoting orchids:

sure I don't see why not! looking at documentation for the markdown parser we're using, looks like adding support for this is relatively simple

Nice! :salute:

Count to 100.000

by dean in general on mar 21, 2024

36 still... too... lazy...

shell scripts

by dean in software on mar 21, 2024

This imageboard is completely made in shell script and its open source!

Strikethrough support?

by dean in community feedback on mar 20, 2024

Is it possible to add the option to use a strikethrough to the site? (if its not already there though).

In markdown its like this: Hello world

What is your everyday use browser?

by dean in software on mar 20, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2317 threadID=241> there's also some built in privacy settings like blocking trackers, cookies, etc, but yeah it runs on chromium, so it's basically an better version of chrome

it's nice for work at least since you can install ...

Count to 100.000

by dean in general on mar 20, 2024

34 still to lazy

How clean is your home?

by dean in general on mar 20, 2024

Anyways, mine is 71

How clean is your home?

by dean in general on mar 20, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2195 threadID=265> I honestly came in here thinking this will be about our actual, physical homes. We just re-organized and cleaned out a bunch of things we no longer needed. Anyway, 42 for me: 32 folders, 10 files. </quoting ...

What is your everyday use browser?

by dean in software on mar 19, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2298 threadID=241> dam i'm learning that brave browser isn't all it's cracked up to be:


i'll probably still use it though. although that article is a really interesting read ...

whats the haps chaps

by dean in welcomes on mar 19, 2024

Welcome to the basement

Count to 100.000

by dean in general on mar 19, 2024

32 im too lazy to add a gif

Last Post Wins

by dean in general on feb 27, 2024

This will probably not be the last post :shrug:


by dean in software on feb 27, 2024

<quoting=starbreaker postID=2214 threadID=268> I wasn't even thinking of IRC. I prefer RSS for receiving updates, and if I want to send somebody feedback I'll try to email them.

To Discord? What about a forum like this one? Most forum software comes ...


by dean in software on feb 27, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

I liked this until I saw that you were providing updates and soliciting feedback via Discord.

Well, I use discord for 2 reasons:

  1. My favorite servers are there.

  2. There is not really a good ...

I followed a Bear Blog post here...

by dean in welcomes on feb 27, 2024

Hello! Welcome to the forum! Hope you have a nice time here :)

What is your everyday use browser?

by dean in software on feb 27, 2024

<quoting=amykhar postID=2199 threadID=241> Right now, for home use, I’m enjoying SigmaOS. It’s not perfect, but I love the workspaces. I used Arc for a while, but the icons for the various workspaces were not large enough or bright enough for me to easily ...


by dean in software on feb 27, 2024

Soooo.... After waiting some months, the brand-new web hosting Nekoweb is launched! (after it was in development for 2 years tho).

What do you think of it? You can check my website out here!

by dean in welcomes on feb 8, 2024

quoting basementcommunity:

Yeah it's reserved for the site owner (me).

well prove that you are the site owner then :shrug:

Count to 100.000

by dean in general on feb 8, 2024


by dean in welcomes on feb 8, 2024

quoting orchids:

this is not good. this is not good at all

what do you mean

is it not supposed to be registerable?


by dean in welcomes on feb 7, 2024

Hello! Welcome to the forum!