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carbontwelve posts (7 results)

HTML based text adventure

by carbontwelve in video games on jan 11, 2024

I recently stumbled upon http://www.tachyonstorm.net/choose/start.html, its a Text Adventure in your browser but built as a stateless interactive story where each room is a separarate html page.

It made me wonder if anyone here had seen similar?

dumb things in web design

by carbontwelve in software on jan 9, 2024

It's silly but the reason behind the banks having strict password requirements (max char, only alpha numeric) is because they are still on mainframe systems where the password field is a fixed length char often plaintext.

What is your everyday use browser?

by carbontwelve in software on jan 9, 2024

I use Chrome, but mostly because that's what is installed on my work computer. I also use Firefox and Edge but if you where to ask which browser I spent the most time in then it would be Safari on iOS.

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by carbontwelve in general on jan 9, 2024

Ultimatly I think it's a case of different platforms for different speed of communication:

You want to post a question to a certain community and have it collect replies over a period of days, weeks, months or even years then a forum is perfect; doubly ...

Popular MMOs

by carbontwelve in video games on jan 3, 2024

I played Runescape before Oldschool, and EVE Online for at least a decade. In recent years I haven't had the free time to invest in MMOs until recently when I got back into Runescape via Old School Runescape because it runs on my phone.

Appart from those ...


by carbontwelve in software on dec 18, 2023

It's serendipidous I found this thred. I have had friends in the webdev scene chatting about htmx for the past few years trying to get me interested and I finally decided to take a look last week.

I have become a big fan of [Inertia.js[](https://inertiajs](](https://inertiajs) ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by carbontwelve in general on dec 18, 2023

I have been a member of one small forum since 2011, it's largely been ticking along as some guys side project. It used to be a lot more popular in the past and more so before I joined with over 4,000 registered users but now its the same 100 or so people ...