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birdhouseinyoursoul posts (4 results)

Last Post Wins

by birdhouseinyoursoul in general on aug 24, 2024

blehhh XP

Count to 100.000

by birdhouseinyoursoul in general on aug 24, 2024


what are you watching?

by birdhouseinyoursoul in tv, film, and video on aug 24, 2024

I'm slowly watching Marvel's Spider-Man (2017), just finished episode 8. It's... not as awful as the first episode and other people made me think!! Do characters say the most overly-the-top smart things that no real person would ever say? Yes, but honestly ...

Mr. Me

by birdhouseinyoursoul in welcomes on aug 24, 2024

hihihi :3c

I found this forum from 32bit.cafe's 'forum 101' post. I'd like to socialize more to get through my social anxiety, and this seemed like a chill space!!

My main interests are Spider-Man, cats & music; I also like birds, collecting various ...