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NobodyFix posts (93 results)









On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by NobodyFix in general on oct 5, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1547 threadID=197> That's right. Blind faith in science is a religion. It wasn't always so, but that's what it's become. As soon as someone asks you to believe something, or take an authority's word for something, that's ...

starting a completely blind playthrough of ffvii !!

by NobodyFix in video games on oct 4, 2023

You're really making me want to replay FFVII BTW, I can almost taste the Red Vines I ate during that summer.

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by NobodyFix in general on oct 2, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1488 threadID=197> I suspect that the use of streaming multimedia on the internet has driven energy usage way up. We used to joke about underestimating the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes, but imagine the bandwidth ...

starting a completely blind playthrough of ffvii !!

by NobodyFix in video games on oct 2, 2023

<quoting=orchids postID=1467 threadID=207> yes! excited for this please keep posting updates!

FFVII is really one of my favorite games and I actually really don't like RPGs at all. You'll find over time the game itself is actually quite easy once you ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by NobodyFix in general on sep 29, 2023

<quoting=orchids postID=1442 threadID=197> I'd be interested in seeing the amount of people who created things for the Web from 20 years ago vs. today. I feel like it's never been easier to actually get something online, but the downside is there's so ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by NobodyFix in general on sep 28, 2023

<quoting=Devastatia postID=1425 threadID=197> I had no idea there was whole "yesterweb" movement until just a couple of weeks ago. I discovered a webring, and tried to add my forum to it. They said they don't take forums, only personal websites. So I spent ...

Hello Everyone!

by NobodyFix in welcomes on sep 26, 2023

link of the day submissions

by NobodyFix in community feedback on sep 15, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1401 threadID=203> The BNR Metal Pages is one of the first websites I found when I first got internet access at college in 1996. It's almost 30 years old and still getting updates. ...

Hai peoples!! :3

by NobodyFix in welcomes on sep 10, 2023

My partner is German and I think she teaches me German words just to laugh at how I butcher German.

Last Post Wins

by NobodyFix in general on sep 10, 2023


Hai peoples!! :3

by NobodyFix in welcomes on sep 7, 2023

Welcome to the basement!

official labor day weekend thread

by NobodyFix in general on sep 5, 2023

<quoting=starbreaker postID=1368 threadID=198>A lot of conservatives in the US (like conservative Democratic president Grover Cleveland) were concerned that celebrating Labor Day on 1 May would further strengthen socialist and anarchist movements in the ...

official labor day weekend thread

by NobodyFix in general on sep 4, 2023

Been a pretty relaxed weekend so far.

Friday was pretty normal, came home from work and cracked open a bottle of tequila.

Saturday was my normal shopping trip, followed by the regular chores. I meant to make pork fajitas, but got lazy, and went into ...

Do you think WSJ gets the irony?

by NobodyFix in general on aug 31, 2023

The major news outlets are yellow journalism these days anyway. There's a reason they bemoan the strikes, and how work from home is killing commercial real estate. Thanks to Citizens United, corporations are people, and they're the only people that matter ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by NobodyFix in general on aug 31, 2023

I have to admit, I miss the internet of the 90's and early 00's, but that genie has left the bottle, never to return. It's just different now, everything is flashy and slick, and funneled through Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

To me the spirit ...

Cooking hacks/Advice

by NobodyFix in food, drink, fitness on aug 31, 2023

America's Test Kitchen tested ceramic skillets, and none of them could even compete with the worst ranked teflon coated pans.

The only reason I'm not using my cast iron currently is because my current apartment has a glass stovetop that I'm terrified ...

next up on basement community...

by NobodyFix in community feedback on aug 30, 2023

You could always make a totally nonsensical reaction feature give people that dopamine rush from mashing a button, that ultimately means nothing

Movies that would/could not be made today?

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on aug 28, 2023

OG Star Wars is essentially a mashup between two films from the 50's: The Hidden Fortress, and The Dambusters. So a 2023 "Star Wars" would be something like a mashup of A Perfect Storm and Stealth set in space (which actually sounds kind of cool if done ...

favorite song every year since your birth year

by NobodyFix in music on aug 25, 2023

Are we talking our current favorite song from the year we were born, or are we talking our favorite song at the time?

This could have two very different outcomes, and my memories are a bit spotty from ages 0 to 12

Movies that would/could not be made today?

by NobodyFix in tv, film, and video on aug 16, 2023

Heathers 2: The New Batch

is this thing on?

by NobodyFix in welcomes on aug 16, 2023

Nice to see that people still listen to Judas Priest in 2023

Is it okay that I live in an attic?

by NobodyFix in welcomes on aug 15, 2023

An attic is just an above ground basement.

What are you currently reading?

by NobodyFix in the library on jul 31, 2023

<quoting=NovaVeles postID=1236 threadID=59> Niel Postmans classic. While it didn't predict the rise of the internet and how social media would amplify everything in that book, it all holds up pretty well. In a similar fashion to how Chomsky's Manufacturing ...

summer plans

by NobodyFix in general on jul 22, 2023

Contrary to what the interests of capital would like you to believe, COVID is still out there and still a very real threat.

COVID is the #3 leading cause of death in the US after heart disease and cancer.

Luckily there is an excellent way to defend yourself ...