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Khastle posts (24 results)

what have you been listening to?

by Khastle in music on jul 13, 2024

Date of Birth is a relatively unknown Japanese band with some really solid tunes in their discography How do you feel Some kinds of love [Sometimes I breathe ...


by Khastle in welcomes on jul 13, 2024


Count to 100.000

by Khastle in general on jul 13, 2024


what are you watching?

by Khastle in tv, film, and video on jul 13, 2024

I watched Jin Roh the Wolf Brigade today, great movie with beautiful animation would definitely recommend it.

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by Khastle in video games on jul 13, 2024

<quoting=brilokuloj postID=2662 threadID=159> I have a Miyoo Mini! I haven't played much on it recently, but it was getting me through this year's winter season.

There were rumors of Miyoo making a flip-style device, like the GBA SP, which would also ...

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by Khastle in video games on jun 16, 2024

quoting orchids:

never heard of it but that's the cutest little console i've ever seen in my life lmfao

Its cheap and powerful for the price, definitely worth the money

Count to 100.000

by Khastle in general on jun 15, 2024

fiddy three


by Khastle in welcomes on jun 13, 2024

quoting rina:

hello basement dwellers! i found this forum on 32bitcafe a while ago, i finally decided to join :)

hope everyone is doing well!

Welcome! How is it on 32bitcafe? I may check them out.

share your (blog) post

by Khastle in the library on jun 13, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

Reminds me of the Agora Road forum.

Was bit inspired by that forum yes UwU

Count to 100.000

by Khastle in general on jun 12, 2024


Possible API Abuse

by Khastle in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

quoting orchids:

ok man i hear you but consider this: i am one person working a full time job and this is a hobby project

what would you suggest to mitigate that? a paywall? email verification? something else?

Sorry ...

Possible API Abuse

by Khastle in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2592 threadID=303> i just deployed a new change requiring a user to have a least 1 post before creating a thread.

we've had some issues with bots in the past few months, so hopefully that change should mitigate some of that, but ...

Possible API Abuse

by Khastle in technical feedback on jun 12, 2024

<quoting=V. postID=2590 threadID=303> @orchid Hey, I just registered to let you know about a potential issue with your API. It could be exploited by people looking to cause trouble with just a few lines of code. Consider fixing this to prevent misuse. ...

Count to 100.000

by Khastle in general on jun 11, 2024


what did you make today?

by Khastle in food, drink, fitness on jun 11, 2024

Oven chicken kiev as I was tired but counts as cooking I suppose

analogue pocket (and other fan-made systems)

by Khastle in video games on jun 11, 2024

Dude you gotta get yerself a Miyoo Mini Plus, slap OnionOS on one and you have yourself a pretty nifty emulation machine. Only plays up to the PS1 due to its gameboy controls but its seriously cool and pocket sized, makes a great gift too.

Do not look ...

What is your everyday use browser?

by Khastle in software on jun 11, 2024

Brave and Firefox, I kinda dual weld them as both are good.

Count to 100.000

by Khastle in general on jun 11, 2024


Hello fellas

by Khastle in welcomes on jun 11, 2024

quoting orchids:

hey @khastle welcome to the site! jyst checked out your forum i like the vibe of the place - what got you wanting to run one?

I just liked the alternative form of communication as Discord and Reddit ...

what are you watching?

by Khastle in tv, film, and video on jun 10, 2024

Been watching a lot of Laughing Salesman recently. The plot is simple: person has a problem, Moguro the Laughing Salesman promises to fix that problem as long as the person doesn't break one easy to avoid rule, and then the person usually breaks it and ...

Anybody else waiting for Hytale?

by Khastle in video games on jun 10, 2024

I hope this releases eventually, anything to scratch that Cube World itch.

Hello fellas

by Khastle in welcomes on jun 10, 2024

Some fella mentioned you guys on my forum so I thought I'd join and see what you're all about.