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wall of shame

Eternity posts (99 results)









JavaScript-powered webrings

by Eternity in general on sep 15, 2024

I just joined one recently that does similar to a few other where they are like: "Here's the code, copy it over / upload it to your site". I do that but then ofc I get the email "hey pls wen u hab da chance, pls update to new code: url" bruh.

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by Eternity in general on sep 13, 2024

<quoting=hightax postID=2783 threadID=197> You're referring to this. You didn't grow up on Something Awful in the y2k era. You would get banned for literally anything. You could get banned for posting a meme that everyone was posting yesterday that today ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by Eternity in general on sep 13, 2024

<quoting=hightax postID=2782 threadID=197> I don't believe it's possible to have meaningful connections on the Internet. I'm sure you think this is nihilistic but it's just reality. I've wasted enough energy in my life falsely believing in online community ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by Eternity in general on sep 13, 2024

<quoting=hightax postID=2774 threadID=197> I guess my main advice from my own experiences would be to enjoy your freedom, but take care not to be too different from the people around you. You might discover that you don't like being noticed as much as ...

On the Sustainability of Small Forums

by Eternity in general on sep 11, 2024

Welcome to basement community, homie. Pls, frame my response in the kindest possible way, as, despite as you'll read I don't agree with you, we clearly share a strong interest in this topic, and I really like that:

<quoting=hightax postID=2772 threadID ...

share your (blog) post

by Eternity in the library on aug 18, 2024

Anyways, been converting old family home video tapes recently and decided to write about it. It's tied to 32-Bit Cafe's 'Back to School' code-jam and the [IndieWeb Carnival 'Rituals'](https://tangiblelife ...

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by Eternity in the library on aug 18, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2678 threadID=147> Wrote a post about me finally pulling the plug on my DeviantART account. It's been sitting there abandoned for a very long time as I ...

house of the dragon discussion

by Eternity in tv, film, and video on aug 18, 2024

Watched the second season of HotD. I'd say I enjoyed it less overall than the first season, but there were some small highlights I think made it worthwhile. Though, I might advise perhaps waiting for the 3rd season to come out. No rush to watch, imo.

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by Eternity in the library on may 9, 2024

Top-shelf post, but on a slightly unrelated note: I've always preferred referring to them as coats. And I feel ...

what password manager do you use?

by Eternity in software on may 5, 2024

Also, I feel having this discussion without mentioning multi-factor authentication / 2-step verification is a little silly. I'm currently using Aegis Authenticator. I've read KeePassXC also does this? But I've also read it's worthwhile ...

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by Eternity in the library on may 2, 2024

Slightly overdue, but here's my April IndieWeb Carnival submission for RisingThumb 's theme: "Good Enough" - the Drop in Quality's Siren call.

[On the Fish ...

messages location

by Eternity in technical feedback on apr 20, 2024

also, the notifications icon feels a liddle out of place with the other links being words, but lol that's a liddle nitpicky

messages location

by Eternity in technical feedback on apr 20, 2024

Hi! Just a quick idea for consideration / discussion:

How about moving messages out of profile and next to bookmarks, notifications, etc?

share your (blog) post

by Eternity in the library on mar 7, 2024

<quoting=d-von postID=2255 threadID=147> I was surprised to learn that a not insubstantial portion of Agorans are high-schoolers, with the largest demographic being people in their early twenties.

  1. I'm uncomfortable participating in 'edgy' content ...

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by Eternity in the library on mar 5, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

I didn't think it was you, and I don't mind having links shared elsewhere. But HN leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It wasn't me. I'm open about my Hacker News account on [HackerNews itself](https ...

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by Eternity in the library on mar 3, 2024

Kek: Noted.

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by Eternity in the library on mar 3, 2024

<quoting=starbreaker postID=2241 threadID=147> I just spent the last two hours writing a response to your last post, only to have this site eat it. That's what I get for not pasting posts into Emacs and then hitting "reply" once I'm done editing my response ...

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by Eternity in the library on mar 3, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

TBH I've been avoiding Agora Road and adjacent-spaces; they remind me more of 4chan than I find comfortable since I never particularly liked chan culture.

I completely understand. I do appreciate ...

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by Eternity in the library on mar 2, 2024

<quoting=the-syreth-clan postID=2235 threadID=147> As someone in an infinite-small yet somehow also infinite-long distance relationship with my muse, Martina, the irony doesn't escape me. I think digital relationships are just another addition to the many ...

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by Eternity in the library on mar 2, 2024

<quoting=starbreaker postID=2228 threadID=147> I have some things to say about this in a post called "Storming Heaven". I tried to go easy on the Romantic Satanism, but the older I get the more ...

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by Eternity in the library on mar 1, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

Well, it took me all fugging month to get around to writing mine.

It's the sort of procrastination that occasionally served me well in school.

Well, the time limit didn't do me much good. I got ...

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by Eternity in the library on feb 26, 2024

<quoting=starbreaker postID=2202 threadID=147> So, I bashed this out on my lunch break today: [Digital Relationships; or, How I Met My Wife and Why I Might Not Try That Again[](https://starbreaker.org/blog/digital-relationships-february-2024/index.html](](https://starbreaker.org/blog/digital-relationships-february-2024/index.html) ...

ChatGTP planned my meals for a week and i cooked them

by Eternity in general on feb 18, 2024

<quoting=getimiskon postID=2160 threadID=263> I get your point. I think that's the correct way to use a service like ChatGPT, although I still think that having good documentation for whatever you use is invaluable. By the way that reminds me of the only ...

ChatGTP planned my meals for a week and i cooked them

by Eternity in general on feb 18, 2024

<quoting=getimiskon postID=2158 threadID=263> I think you can ask people with more experience in web development to help you with your website, before using an AI chatbot. Sure, it can be helpful for some small things, but for a whole website? I wouldn ...

ChatGTP planned my meals for a week and i cooked them

by Eternity in general on feb 18, 2024

<quoting=orchids postID=2155 threadID=263> ok not me but this youtuber wheezywaiter:

I used to watch this guy religiously, but recently got back into watching his content. His channel is full of 30/60/90-day ...