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food, drink, fitness what did you make today?

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

today I made seared salmon, green beans from the big costco pack, and some rice

what'd you eat/make today?

posted 12/4/2022, 10:42 am

joined jan 27, 2023


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joined jan 27, 2023

I didn't cook today, but there's a chili contest coming up that I'm going to try to win. I will report back! If anyone has chili-making tips in the meantime, please post 'em.

posted 1/30/2023, 11:00 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

quoting Eternity:

I didn't cook today, but there's a chili contest coming up that I'm going to try to win. I will report back! If anyone has chili-making tips in the meantime, please post 'em.

oooooh! i actually have a good one we make - it comes out really solid every time. feel free to up the chili powder for a bolder flavor


posted 1/30/2023, 11:07 pm

joined jan 27, 2023


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joined jan 27, 2023

quoting partly_cloudy:

oooooh! i actually have a good one we make - it comes out really solid every time. feel free to up the chili powder for a bolder flavor

That recipe page has repeated use / loved feeling emanating from it, thank you for sharing it! I will update.

posted 1/30/2023, 11:56 pm

joined jan 27, 2023


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joined jan 27, 2023

I got 3rd place! Forgot about your recipe, sorry! ๐Ÿ˜… Looking at it now though, it was basically mine except: no onions, no rice, I had some cumin + paprika and chipotle sauce. I quite liked it ๐Ÿ˜‹

posted 2/4/2023, 5:05 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

glad to hear @eternity - yeah actually now that i think about it, we never serve it over rice and prefer to garnish with green onion! hopefully it was very tasty

did you get to try all the other entries?

edited 2/4/2023, 9:15 pm

joined dec 5, 2022


testing one two

joined dec 5, 2022

I have felt a bit uninspired about cooking lately, it's probably the season. Anyway I made some nice tomato sauce yesterday that I'm having with some pasta and bread. It's very easy to make; chop up some garlic and fry them in olive oil at low heat, then add a bit of oregano and tomato paste and have it fry along. After that add a can of minced tomato and have it mind its own business at low heat for at least and hour.

posted 2/8/2023, 8:03 pm

joined feb 16, 2023


joined feb 16, 2023

quoting Eternity:

That recipe page has repeated use / loved feeling emanating from it, thank you for sharing it! I will update.

Some in the more spiritual space think that things like this is where Baraka resides. Baraka being the idea that that the object has gained a conduit to something greater than the sum of itself. Old recipes and cookware are great examples of this in action. Make of that what you will. ;)

posted 2/16/2023, 11:17 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

an approximation of pesto alla genovese, it's pretty easy to make it in a blender :)

posted 2/17/2023, 12:16 am

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

Breakfast: eggs with leftover polenta.

Lunch: kibbeh and hummus, siding a tossed salad and white rice.

Dinner: bread with "random" spreads. I rarely [i]cook[/i] dinner nowadays, yesterday was an exception.

posted 2/17/2023, 12:47 am

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

Breakfast: Bagel with Cream Cheese

Lunch: nothing, but I did accidentally listen to Sisqo's the thong song.

Dinner: Creamy Lemon Herb Pork Chops, a few shots of tequila.

Second Dinner: Fancy Popcorn

Thanks for asking.

posted 2/17/2023, 1:54 am

joined feb 17, 2023


A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Phillips

joined feb 17, 2023

For this weekend looking at some salmon (been on a kick for fish lately). Below is the recipe I use. Best to use portioned out salmon for this since it will be seared.

1 Remove any skin from your salmon 2 Light brush of olive oil on both sides 3 Apply to both sides: Italian Seasoning, Garlic Salt, Garlic Powder, salt & pepper (obviously to your taste) 4 In a pre-heated pan do a quick brushing of olive oil again and place down your portions 5 Sear on both sides about 4 minutes (and I also like to sear the sides for about a minute each, sometimes I will use a pan cover to hold in the heat) Optional: So searing will get you close to the 145 degree mark, but if you prefer your salmon cooked a bit more, I will have my oven pre-heated to about 250deg and place the salmon in the oven for about 10 minutes. This will get you around 155-165deg once done.

This will taste much like the salmon served at Olive Garden but much fresher tasting, at least in my opinion. Come spring though, smoker is coming out and gonna do some more smoked salmon, whitefish, and of course ribs and brisket.

edited 2/17/2023, 3:33 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


Ask your doctor about me. If they recommend me, they're a fucking quack.

joined feb 17, 2023

Nothing special yet. Instead of coffee I caffeinate by making cold-brew matcha tea. 1/2 teaspoon of powdered matcha with a pinch of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey in a 28oz blender bottle and chilled overnight is a hell of a lot cheaper than Starbucks or a can of $ENERGY_DRINK and not quite as heavy in terms of calories or sugar.

I also had a couple of hard-boiled eggs; I just stick half a dozen eggs at a time in my instant pot with 2 cups of water and set the timer to 5 minutes. Makes breakfast for 3 days.

I'm thinking of turkey and swiss cheese on rye for lunch.

I've also got some chicken breast marinating in teriyaki sauce. Going to sautee it with some vegetables to make a half-assed stir fry while steaming up some rice for dinner.

posted 2/17/2023, 4:25 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Phillips

joined feb 17, 2023

quoting macguyvermectin:

I've also got some chicken breast marinating in teriyaki sauce. Going to sautee it with some vegetables to make a half-assed stir fry while steaming up some rice for dinner.

I do this on the regular but I use pork and a recipe from an old Chinese food cookbook from like the 70s. Cook in the oven while basting for about 30 minutes and comes out super tender. From there I go the full pork fried rice route and add in my veggies, eggs, and rice to it, but it also works great as just a basic stir-fry meat. I have an Asian food store about 2 hours away from that I regularly grab the good seasonings from.

Also, I love the handle.

edited 2/17/2023, 5:15 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

quoting RevD:

For this weekend looking at some salmon (been on a kick for fish lately). Below is the recipe I use. Best to use portioned out salmon for this since it will be seared.

1 Remove any skin from your salmon 2 Light brush of olive oil on both sides 3 Apply to both sides: Italian Seasoning, Garlic Salt, Garlic Powder, salt & pepper (obviously to your taste) 4 In a pre-heated pan do a quick brushing of olive oil again and place down your portions 5 Sear on both sides about 4 minutes (and I also like to sear the sides for about a minute each, sometimes I will use a pan cover to hold in the heat) Optional: So searing will get you close to the 145 degree mark, but if you prefer your salmon cooked a bit more, I will have my oven pre-heated to about 250deg and place the salmon in the oven for about 10 minutes. This will get you around 155-165deg once done.

This will taste much like the salmon served at Olive Garden but much fresher tasting, at least in my opinion. Come spring though, smoker is coming out and gonna do some more smoked salmon, whitefish, and of course ribs and brisket.

nice that sounds tasty. i usually do a seared salmon with sweet chili and mustard seeds so it comes out crispy and flavorful.

the recipie is from chrissy teigen's book

posted 2/17/2023, 7:47 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


Ask your doctor about me. If they recommend me, they're a fucking quack.

joined feb 17, 2023

quoting RevD:

I do this on the regular but I use pork and a recipe from an old Chinese food cookbook from like the 70s. Cook in the oven while basting for about 30 minutes and comes out super tender. From there I go the full pork fried rice route and add in my veggies, eggs, and rice to it, but it also works great as just a basic stir-fry meat.

That does sound tasty. Might try that the next time I get my hands on some pork chops.

quoting RevD:

Also, I love the handle.

Thanks. I was going to use it on Reddit but somebody else already had -- and then I came to my senses and remembered that Reddit sucks.

edited 2/17/2023, 9:00 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Phillips

joined feb 17, 2023

quoting partly_cloudy:

nice that sounds tasty. i usually do a seared salmon with sweet chili and mustard seeds so it comes out crispy and flavorful.

the recipie is from chrissy teigen's book

That looks tasty, might have to add that to my rotation.

quoting macguyvermectin:

That does sound tasty. Might try that the next time I get my hands on some pork chops.

Once I am home I will grab the marinade recipe if you want to try it and post if for you. You can let it marinade as little as 1 hour but I like to let it go overnight.

posted 2/17/2023, 9:46 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


Ask your doctor about me. If they recommend me, they're a fucking quack.

joined feb 17, 2023

quoting RevD:

Once I am home I will grab the marinade recipe if you want to try it and post if for you. You can let it marinade as little as 1 hour but I like to let it go overnight.

Please do. I doubt I'd be the only one interested in trying it.

posted 2/17/2023, 9:52 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Phillips

joined feb 17, 2023

quoting macguyvermectin:

Please do. I doubt I'd be the only one interested in trying it.

Had the missus send me a picture of the recipe. I adjusted the oven to be a lower temp (original recipe calls for 400deg) since the higher temp with thin pork chops tends to dry them out and doesn't let you give it a good couple bastings before they are finished. If you want the original recipe images let me know and I will edit this post to add them in.

BBQ Pork 1 tsp Garlic (minced) 1 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp Ginger (grated) 2 Tbsp Dark Soy Sauce 2 Tbsp Honey 1 Tbsp Chinese Wine (Dry Sherry works too) 1/2 tsp Five Spice Seasoning (I omit this since I don't like the flavor) 1 Tbsp Hoisin Sauce

Notes So even though I have measurements above, when it comes to the Ginger and Garlic, measure that with your heart, not a measuring device. You can also adjust the honey if you want it sweeter or closer to the soy sauce flavor. I tend to add a little extra of the Dark Soy Sauce and Chinese Wine since I like the play on flavors between them over everything else. And I skip on the Five Spice seasoning because I do not like it.

Preparation I generally mix it all in a ziploc or sealable container, main thing is you want all the meat to be covered in it, and let it sit overnight if you have the time. For standard and thin cut pork chops an hour will work though. I also usually just get a pork loin and cut it myself since its cheaper than getting pre-cut/packaged pork chops.

Heat your oven to 350-375deg. Place the cut pork on grate above a sheet pan and lay them out on top leaving a bit of space between them. Keep your marinade. Cook for about 10 minutes, baste with the marinade and flip over, baste again and put back into the over for about 5 more minutes. Repeat the basting and put back in again for another 5-10 until done. You can adjust here based on how you like your pork cooked but I find about 20-25 mins for standard and thin cut pork cops to cook it well w/o drying it out.

Pork Fried Rice style So from here you can do with it what you please, I turn it into Pork Fried Rice. If you decide to use it for that then once the pork is done I will cut it into thin strips about 1/2in by 1.5in. I also have my rice cooked either the day before or a couple hours prior to making the dish so it can cool and get all sticky. From there I will saute some broccoli in butter and minced garlic until its done but crispy to the bite, then set it aside. Some oil in the pan and get it nice and hot, toss in however many eggs you like for your pork fried rice and let it brown up while moving it around and breaking it up (basically scrambled eggs but browned a bit). Toss in your rice, broccoli, water chestnuts, bean sprouts, and pork and then turn up the heat to high and start mixing it up. Add in regular soy sauce to taste and then pull from the heat once you are happy. I use the high heat since I like a little browning/crispy on my eggs and rice.

Of course you can choose whatever veggies you want to put into it, it is also good with peas and carrots mix, but put it in frozen at the end and give it a couple minutes to cook/thaw.

One thing I haven't done yet but want to try would be doing a full pork tenderloin with this and have it as the main meat for a meal, but I haven't decided what kinds of sides I would want to cook with it so haven't tried it yet.

If you decide to give this a shot, let me know your thoughts and any adjustments you made (e.g. different veggies, change of ingredients or amounts, etc.). I love hearing what other people try.

posted 2/17/2023, 10:37 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

Last night's dinner was tonkatsu with quick-pickled cabbage

I made some pork [larb] (https://www.eatingthaifood.com/thai-larb-recipe/) night before last with brown rice served lettuce-wrap style.

posted 2/18/2023, 4:23 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Phillips

joined feb 17, 2023

Stealing this website.

posted 2/21/2023, 3:08 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

Chicken gizzards in tomato sauce, with homemade bread and a tossed salad. The bread follows jampacked's recipe, it rocks.

The gizzards were prepared as follows:

  • 500g gizzards, cleaned, cut into halves

  • salt, black pepper, red pepper to taste

  • 2 tbsp red wine vinegar (do not sub or skip; see note)

  • half onion, minced

  • some veg oil

  • a clove of garlic, minced

  • 4 tablespoons of tomato paste

  • some dry red wine (I eyeballed it, but I guess 2tbsp? Less than tomato paste for sure)

  • thyme and sage

  1. Leave the gizzards brining in salt, peppers and vinegar overnight, with just enough water to cover them up when well packed.

  2. Cook the onion with a bit of oil, until transparent. Low fire.

  3. Add garlic, count to 20; then add the tomato paste, thyme, sage, and the gizzards (with the brining water).

  4. Pressure cook the whole thing for 40min. You could use a slow cooker or a plain pot for that, but it'll take longer.

  5. If there's too much liquid let it evaporate a bit, with the pressure cook open. Otherwise just taste and adjust the salt.

Note on the vinegar: gizzards can be rather tough, and one way to handle this is through acid hydrolysis to partially break down their proteins (i.e. it makes them softer). For that vinegar is recommended as the acetic acid molecule is small, so it penetrates the meat while marinating (citric acid is bulkier, so it has a harder time reaching the inner parts of the meat).

edited 2/24/2023, 2:04 am

joined feb 17, 2023


A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. - Emo Phillips

joined feb 17, 2023

quoting lvxferre:

The gizzards were prepared as follows:

Nope. Used to spend 8hrs a day deep frying gizzards and livers. That was over 20 years ago and I can still smell them. Nope. Nope. Nope.

But to those who like them, go hog wild. I know I eat things that others would probably balk at.

posted 2/24/2023, 3:51 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

quoting RevD:

Nope. Used to spend 8hrs a day deep frying gizzards and livers. That was over 20 years ago and I can still smell them. Nope. Nope. Nope.

But to those who like them, go hog wild. I know I eat things that others would probably balk at.

Yeah... I can picture how their smell would be off-putting if you're preparing them over and over. (And now you made me crave some chicken liver with garlic, damn...) On the things that others would balk at: ditto. Head cheese, cow tongue, cow stomach, blood sausages, I really enjoy this kind of stuff. (Although I hate preparing cow stomach, the lingering smell in the kitchen is off-putting.)

posted 2/24/2023, 9:45 pm

joined feb 22, 2023


joined feb 22, 2023

I smoked some cock because I'm gay

posted 2/27/2023, 5:16 am

food, drink, fitness what did you make today?