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wall of shame

basement community turns 2!!! check out the anniversary thread for some updates and come say hi! thanks everybody for posting here and have a good holiday season

video games Half-Life Raytraced

joined feb 19, 2023


joined feb 19, 2023

Noticed there is a new release from sultim-t, this time he added raytracing to Half-Life 1.

I loaded a couple of maps and checked it out, decent results.

posted 2/23/2023, 3:42 pm

joined feb 17, 2023


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joined feb 17, 2023

Thanks for sharing. I was nostalgic watching this as I haven't played Half Life since it came out, and am out of touch with that world.

I'm naively curious how playing this mod would compare to Black Mesa, which I believe is a complete remake?

posted 2/25/2023, 10:52 pm

joined feb 19, 2023


joined feb 19, 2023

I haven't played Black Mesa and completed Half-Life 1 years ago, so not entirely sure how different the story is or what they added. But I've heard that it's also really good overall, with updated graphics and some minor changes.

posted 2/27/2023, 12:50 am

video games Half-Life Raytraced