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general SA Obscure Memories Thread

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

Post your obscure memories of the golden era of SA here! I'm talking obscure, dustbin of SA history stuff, not da j00se and mangosteen!

'member when...

a goon had a low-grade toothbrush factory burn down near him and he got his hands on thousands of toothbrushes that couldn't be sold and offered them to us for like $5/100? (it was very popular- he sold out)

AI poster "psilocybe" was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital via phone call by a fellow goon after his erratic behavior/posting got worse as his amphetamine abuse progressed?

Salvia took SA-Mart by storm and numerous users were selling 10x+ extracts?

Buttes scraped everyone's AIM nick from the site (lots of people had that part of their profile filled out back in the day) and ran an IRC bot that would randomly send messages like "I'm just saying it's completely natural what we do to each other and you shouldn't be ashamed", which AIM would then display on goons' idle desktops and cause all manner of ridiculous consequences when that machine's display was in view of others. The ranks of Buttes included some colorful characters, such as Shitties and Weev, the latter of which would eventually find himself in prison.

edited 2/17/2023, 3:57 pm

joined dec 4, 2022


joined dec 4, 2022

the most legendary banme post: keyboard goop

i was proud to have witnessed that live as it happened. is that even obscure?

edited 2/18/2023, 8:41 am

joined feb 17, 2023


joined feb 17, 2023

quoting partly_cloudy:

the most legendary banme post: keyboard goop

i was proud to have witnessed that live as it happened. is that even obscure?

I completely forgot about it and just looked it up again. Me forgetting made it have nearly the same shock value as the original viewing

posted 2/19/2023, 4:22 am

general SA Obscure Memories Thread