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analog games I want to see your Dice

joined dec 14, 2024


The time has come to prove you are the best. To crush your enemies, to win the Tournament.

joined dec 14, 2024

Show me your Math Rocks!

Here's a bunch of mine! Can you tell what my favourite colours are? (https://file.garden/ZmQyeJUcxFQr20U4/FORUM%20IMAGE%20REPO/DiceAll.png) These are easily my favourite. It's difficult to get a good picture of it but they look absolutely gorgeous in the light. I wish I got a full set of these. (https://file.garden/ZmQyeJUcxFQr20U4/FORUM%20IMAGE%20REPO/Dice3.png) Second favourite from this bunch are these dark starry sky ones. They look mesmerising. I've been kinda obsessed with the night sky lately. (https://file.garden/ZmQyeJUcxFQr20U4/FORUM%20IMAGE%20REPO/Dice1.png) Not pictured in this group are these that my sibling bought me for christmas, but they gave it to me early because they couldn't be bothered to wrap them up, bless their heart. (https://file.garden/ZmQyeJUcxFQr20U4/FORUM%20IMAGE%20REPO/Dice2.png) They come in this cute cat-themed box. (https://file.garden/ZmQyeJUcxFQr20U4/FORUM%20IMAGE%20REPO/DiceBox.jpg)

now SHOW ME YOURS. i know you have some cuz y'all are nerds

P.S, anyone know how to change image width? cuz these are massive and I feel like a dick for taking up so much of your screen real-estate.

edited 12/18/2024, 7:51 pm

analog games I want to see your Dice