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wall of shame

general What're you Working on today? (Post your short/longterm projects thread)

joined sep 9, 2024


joined sep 9, 2024

Today I'm trying to redo a bunch of CSS, organise stuff for a move and do some meal prepping. Longer term I'm slowly accumulating used Vapes to harvest the batteries for a powerbank and am trying to regularly complete writing exercises to improve my writing skill.

What are you guys up to at the minute?

posted 10/13/2024, 1:20 pm

joined sep 22, 2023


lives in a pineapple under the sea

joined sep 22, 2023

I'm installing Arch Linux on a VM, and I'm going to install IceWM on it!

Why? Because I fell in love with this theme.

Also I want to try something else than debian.

posted 10/13/2024, 3:35 pm

joined sep 9, 2024


joined sep 9, 2024

quoting dean:

Why? Because I fell in love with this theme.

Oh damn that looks fresh as hell actually. I might spin up a mint VM and see what it looks like with this.

posted 10/13/2024, 6:06 pm

joined sep 14, 2024


joined sep 14, 2024

Currently working on some scripts and show bibles Also trying to slowly learn how to draw so I can articulate what the characters and world would look like

posted 10/13/2024, 10:09 pm

general What're you Working on today? (Post your short/longterm projects thread)