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wall of shame

creative writing Slenderman: Hacked Away

joined mar 30, 2024


And I pierced the fell beast!

joined mar 30, 2024

Chapter 1: Contact

[A/N: I really really really didn't want slenderman to be the first thing to show up here but I've been hyperfixating for about a week now (resurfaced) and I also don't want the creative writing area to be empty. Oh well. Cringe culture is dead.]

The internet is really a higher plane from the normal world. One day, all people will cast off their bodies to live in the 'net. Here, there is a god. My name is Carmen. I have the ability to read minds and I haven't left the house since I saw him. He's tall, but not dark or handsome. He's pale and bony and has no face. I've been ordering groceries and I've only heard the delivery driver scream once. I'll survive, I never left the house often anyways. What I'm worried about is the fact that he seems to live on the internet more than anyone else. Seriously, this guy goes back to 2009? He was created on the internet! How is the average shut-in supposed to compete with that. Anyways, those edited photos are on the internet, and the internet is god, so that makes those photos more real than anything offline. I don't have time to explain my religion. Whatever. He's a frikcing troll. I bet I'll see him pop up on reddit or something like "well hello madam" and I'll wipe the stupid look back on his face. He's so pathetic. I don't care if people think he's formidable, I'm not scared of him. It's awfully chilly in here. Z0, 1M G01NG 70 H4V3 70 B3 C4R3FU1. Bet that troll can't read 1337ZP34K.

edited 4/8/2024, 2:34 am

joined mar 30, 2024


And I pierced the fell beast!

joined mar 30, 2024

Carmen again. Maybe I shouldn't be posting insults to him on the internet considering my working theory is that he's some kind of cyber-form or deus of the internet. Maybe I need a better working theory. I think I see him through the windows but it's usually just a tree. Unless it was him and he just manifests as a tree. I don't know anymore. I'm feeling a bit less confident.


edited 4/7/2024, 5:16 am

joined mar 30, 2024


And I pierced the fell beast!

joined mar 30, 2024

He's starting to show himself more. I saw him through my bedroom window while I was trying to sleep. It wasn't a tree. It was him. He just stared at me the whole night. I stared back. Tap. Tap. Tap. His fingers went on the glass. I didn't get any sleep. What's his goal? Is he trying to drive me crazy? Is he trying to take me? What will he do if he gets me? I don't want to find out. I don't want to die, but he might have something worse in store. I feel the darkness creeping in through the window. My lamp projects brilliance to hold it back. I'll sleep with the light on from now on. He's burned into my mind.

posted 4/7/2024, 5:01 pm

joined mar 30, 2024


And I pierced the fell beast!

joined mar 30, 2024

Starting to think my theory was wrong. I don't think he's confined to or empowered in the internet in any way. He's just as willing to wait in the forest as he is to spread himself through forums. I've been doing some research. It all conflicts. I can find evidence he goes back to Egypt. This could be fabricated, naturally, but couldn't the 2009 forum posts also be fabricated? There's no way of knowing how or when he came to be, what he wants, what he is, or what he will do to me. All I know is that he stalks people, and then they vanish. Maybe they turn up impaled on a tree or maybe they just go missing. Maybe they start working for him. I don't know. I think I need to ward him off somehow. I'll hang some crosses of iron around my house. Not sure if it'll work. It doesn't really matter any more. All I can do is hope he'll lose interest. I can't run. What choices do I have?

posted 4/7/2024, 5:43 pm

joined mar 30, 2024


And I pierced the fell beast!

joined mar 30, 2024

Chapter 2: Connection

[A/N: Starting to actually come up with basic lore.] Hey, it's Carmen. So, you know how I said I can read minds? Yeah, lemme explain. I've been isolated long enough to forget that people wouldn't understand. When I was young, I was taken to this psych ward for like, childhood depression. I actually don't remember. Anyways, that was probably just a cover because they started asking me to read playing cards from a different room. I couldn't see the cards, but I could tell what one of the assistants was thinking and was able to discern the cards that way. I think it was some kind of parapsychology org. It's weird and unusual. Just like Him. I've rarely used my ESP but I feel like He is attracted to me for that reason. I have potential that He wants me to use. He needs me.

edited 4/8/2024, 2:34 am

joined mar 30, 2024


And I pierced the fell beast!

joined mar 30, 2024

Carmen again. I drew him. He looked at me from the woods. A digital drawing imitating pencil on paper, of a tall man with long arms and a blank, white face standing in place, supported by root-like tendrils with branches coming out of his shoulders. He just watches and watches me. I'm getting used to him.

posted 4/12/2024, 1:26 am

creative writing Slenderman: Hacked Away