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software RSS feeds

joined jan 1, 2024


joined jan 1, 2024

So I've been looking into RSS feeds as a technology more throughoutly recently as I wish to remake my various project logs in a new format — one that can hopefully be a little more well-rounded. Among other things I discovered that feed readers have functions to filter by category, author, and a bunch of other parameters. Some also come with a built-in browser. Question is how to make use of all that.

I've seen different people using different methods: bikobatanari has recently moved to a 'deliver in bulk, unpack in post' method in which the feed is a bullet list of changes, which is cool but my site is not updated as much... yet. The New Leaf Journal has various categories for its different articles (some with rather excessive names) but it also has three different feeds for articles of different sizes, which I also like. Then there is the question of whether to include the full article — as suggested by Yukinu — or whether a properly written summary (as with Biko) is enough. And what if visual flair is an essential part of the article as were the 'dialogue bubbles' in my case for Catscape Navigators?

If you have any advice, please let me know. Also feel free to post your own RSS feeds, I'd love to see them.

posted 2/7/2024, 11:15 am

joined aug 16, 2023


non serviam

joined aug 16, 2023

quoting the-syreth-clan:

I've seen different people using different methods: bikobatanari has recently moved to a 'deliver in bulk, unpack in post' method in which the feed is a bullet list of changes, which is cool but my site is not updated as much... yet.

This sounds a lot like the digest emails you'd get on USENET and old-fashioned email discussion lists.

I'm still working on a new version of my website, but the old version is archived on a subdomain. Here's its RSS feed. It contains all posts and provides full text (but not in the preview rendered as HTML via XSLT).

The new version will have a similar feed: full text of all posts, but I'll also have separate per-category feeds so that people who just want my posts on Emacs don't also get my political rants (tl;dr: GOP = KKK) or posts like "I'm a Sodomite and I'm OK".

edited 2/7/2024, 4:24 pm

joined jan 1, 2024


joined jan 1, 2024

quoting starbreaker:

This sounds a lot like the digest emails you'd get on USENET and old-fashioned email discussion lists.

Oh, haven't heard of those before (even though I've heard of the term 'digest' used in a similar sense), I'll look into that as well. Bookmarked your page, will look forwards to your stuff.

Wish I had your confidence. Instead I'm hiding behind layers upon layers upon layers of metaphyisics and symbolism. It would solve so many problems.

posted 2/7/2024, 5:29 pm

joined aug 16, 2023


non serviam

joined aug 16, 2023

quoting the-syreth-clan:

Wish I had your confidence. Instead I'm hiding behind layers upon layers upon layers of metaphyisics and symbolism. It would solve so many problems.

I'm not that confident in real life, but since I had published books under my real name and built a website to promote those publications, I kept on using that name with appropriate disclaimers in case somebody from my day job googled me. The voice I use when writing online is me, but without the limitations of age and the habit of keeping quiet in order to fit in.

If you've read Snow Crash I'm a little like Hiro Protagonist: I might be relatively unprepossessing in reality, but online I'm more than I allow myself to be in the "real world". Online, I'm bigger than the Devil and twice as loud. There's are reason lots of nerds end up metalheads, too.

edited 2/7/2024, 11:21 pm


joined some time ago



joined some time ago

I personally am very new to actually using RSS feeds. From what I gather, how you make RSS feeds is certainly more personal taste than anything, much like how structuring a personal website really depends on what works well for you. And it often can just come down to trial and error, even though in an ideal world we'd set up a feed once and be done.

For example the traditional way of having a blog and having a direct RSS feed never worked for me. It doesn't suit the way that I think and work, which is more like a digital garden. So I am also adopting the "update in bulk" approach that you mentioned. Here's my Atom feed.

As for the parameters, right now I just use the absolute minimal, because that's all I need right now. Maybe I will adopt things like categories if it ever comes time.

posted 2/8/2024, 6:07 am

software RSS feeds