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wall of shame

joined feb 22, 2023


Do not induce vomiting if swallowed.

joined feb 22, 2023

Vim is the only good editor. Vim minimizes keystrokes. Vim is lightweight and fast. Someone scolded me for using nano as a child. Use vim. Vim is customizable. Vim comes preinstalled. Vim has regular expressions. Vim has the best configuration language. Vim is helping poor children in Uganda. Vim is life. I use Vim every day. I remapped every key on my keyboard to optimize performance on Vim. I use Vim to edit text. I use Vim to edit video. I use Vim to launch the nuclear missiles on my linux submarine. Vim supports multiple windows. Vim is a modal editor. Vim is life. Vim is love. Vim loves you. I hate all things not Vim. I will violently eviscerate you if you say "em*cs". There is nothing but Vim. Hail Vim, Editor of All Things.

posted 4/6/2023, 1:01 pm

joined dec 5, 2022


testing one two

joined dec 5, 2022

I downloaded Vim on a whim (hah!) and it absolutely confuses me.

posted 4/21/2023, 11:01 am

joined aug 16, 2023


non serviam

joined aug 16, 2023

I have vim. I know how to use vim. Sometime I even use vim.

Nevertheless, I prefer Emacs. (My preference is not a prescription.)

edited 8/16/2023, 4:27 pm

joined jul 28, 2023


i'm codl!

joined jul 28, 2023

ive been using vim for something like 15 years and it is a trap and a prison. i cant use any other editor seriously because my muscle memory keeps trying to do vim things. it's very frustrating. dont do vim, kids

rip to the vim guy btw, passed away a couple weeks ago

edit: https://groups.google.com/g/vim_announce/c/tWahca9zkt4

Dear all,

It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you that Bram Moolenaar passed away on 3 August 2023. Bram was suffering from a medical condition that progressed quickly over the last few weeks.

Bram dedicated a large part of his life to VIM and he was very proud of the VIM community that you are all part of.

edited 8/22/2023, 9:11 pm

joined aug 16, 2023


non serviam

joined aug 16, 2023

quoting codl:

ive been using vim for something like 15 years and it is a trap and a prison. i cant use any other editor seriously because my muscle memory keeps trying to do vim things. it's very frustrating. dont do vim, kids

Don't most other editors and IDEs offer a half-assed implementation of vi keybindings? I know Emacs has Evil mode and Viper, and I've heard that Visual Studio Code has a package for vi emulation. I suppose they're no substitute for the real thing, though. I have the same problem with Emacs emulation in Visual Studio 2022 at my day job.

posted 8/22/2023, 1:59 pm

joined jan 12, 2024


joined jan 12, 2024

I <3 Evil Mode in Emacs. Also, check out the Tridactyl browser extension for Firefox. Gives vi-like keybinds in the browser, quite neat.

edited 2/4/2024, 9:53 pm

joined oct 17, 2024



joined oct 17, 2024

Not only do I use Vim, I legitimately have no plugins or anything else of that sort installed. I know how to edit, I know how to mass-delete text, and I know how to save and quit. It works for me, it is simple yet clean. Do need to probably figure out how to search for text, but that shouldn't be too hard to do. Also, same for copying and pasting, it shouldn't be too hard to figure that one out eventually.

posted 10/17/2024, 6:33 pm