wall of shame
joined feb 17, 2023
Put the money in the bag!
joined feb 17, 2023
There is REASON only GRANDPA writes JAVA and C++ now. NOBODY wants to write JAVA now because JAVA is OLD and SAD language. PYTHON BETTER LANGUAGE. Use PYTHON on CLOUD PROIJECT .
posted 3/20/2023, 2:09 pm
joined feb 22, 2023
Do not induce vomiting if swallowed.
joined feb 22, 2023
rEwriTe iT in rUst.
posted 3/20/2023, 3:21 pm
joined feb 20, 2023
pre-ground french roast
joined feb 20, 2023
quoting mydriasis:
There is REASON only GRANDPA writes JAVA and C++ now. NOBODY wants to write JAVA now because JAVA is OLD and SAD language. PYTHON BETTER LANGUAGE. Use PYTHON on CLOUD PROIJECT .
What's left to be said? This is the (objectively!) correct opinion, all others are wrong. Imagine having to compile your script before running it? Or assigning a type to a variable that you couldn't just change later because it was convenient? What horrors would be visited upon us without enforced whitespace?
Java so embarrassing, imagine typing "pooblic static void maine" in a hello world...
posted 3/20/2023, 4:14 pm
joined mar 20, 2023
joined mar 20, 2023
PHP lovers unite! There are dozens of us.
posted 3/20/2023, 5:56 pm
joined feb 17, 2023
My Band --> Angry Bats
joined feb 17, 2023
quoting mydriasis:
There is REASON only GRANDPA writes JAVA and C++ now.
Yes, because grandpa was always the wise old man that knew how and when, right? Grandpa teached you about life, because he has the experience. Yes, he might be a bit rusty when it comes to the new stuff on the block, but he excels at the stuff he knows.
Life Experience
posted 3/21/2023, 11:20 am
joined feb 20, 2023
pre-ground french roast
joined feb 20, 2023
quoting daffy:
PHP lovers unite! There are dozens of us.
This is a ban-worthy offense, right?
posted 3/27/2023, 5:07 pm
joined feb 17, 2023
Brother Rail Gun of Desirable Mindfulness
joined feb 17, 2023
Listen here, young whipper-snappers. Procedural PHP is fine for 99% of what you need to do.
posted 3/27/2023, 8:09 pm
joined dec 4, 2022
joined dec 4, 2022
python is really good, but i can honestly say after building this entire backend in it, i'm really itching to learn either Go or Rust. having static types is just worlds better
that being said, the community support for python is so good. it felt like there wasn't one question i couldn't find answered and if i had some code that i would rather use a package for, sure enough one existed.
i don't think i really ran into any issues that could have been saved by having types, but i sure as hell wouldn't want to work with a team working on a massive python codebase. my last job was pure JS and it sucked ass, and now i get to use TypeScript again and i never want to go back
posted 3/27/2023, 8:26 pm
joined dec 4, 2022
joined dec 4, 2022
quoting MachoDonkey:
Listen here, young whipper-snappers. Procedural PHP is fine for 99% of what you need to do.
agreed. last time i needed to write a quick email form, PHP did the job just fine
posted 3/27/2023, 8:26 pm
joined feb 17, 2023
Put the money in the bag!
joined feb 17, 2023
quoting orchids:
having static types is just worlds better
posted 3/28/2023, 5:50 pm
joined feb 20, 2023
pre-ground french roast
joined feb 20, 2023
I used to be opposed to static types but Javascript alone convinced me they are a beneficial evil.
posted 3/28/2023, 5:52 pm